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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. I like your optimism. But it's misguided. We have a dog here we love dearly but he is a dangerous asshole. We've expected he had 6 months left for 6 years. And we are talking about a dog that has feelings and is loved. That goes a ways. But Assholes tend to live a long time. And don't bow out gracefully. Dotard is the most loved human ever by himself, and many Americans. He should be dead based on weight, rage and age. He should be in jail. Somebody he cheated should have wacked him long ago. Russia should have poisoned him; or some Eastern Euro broad. He should be a financial wreck. He should have been a disgraced failed candidate not Potus. It should be laughable and illegal that he can even run again. Yet here we are. I tend to respect trajectories and will steel myself with the horrible notion this bastard makes another 6 years If nothing else just to suck oxygen to fuel his narcissism. It's going to suck balls and at times be tighter than it should, and will further lower our global standing- it ends how it ends though.
  2. I figured Georgia would take 2 more years to try and Jack Smith has the least slow path forward? *Georgia is doing things correctly by the law, even though it's going to drag on for years.
  3. Yes. Our beloved president is pressing for a speedy trial so he can clear his good name with the truth.
  4. Texas will shortly respond by banning the class and arresting the teachers.
  5. No, you shouldn't work until your 12 by law, then you can go full time. Under 12 you get to work, but without protections or guaranteed pay. Which is fair; those little kids are pussy bitches and can't fight for shit or pay for an attorney. Even that hard ass kid in Better Off Dead never got his two dollars. Even better, now a days if they try to get even and they come on your property, blast away.
  6. Yes they are, especially Special Needs. And Teachers keep quitting for a variety of reasons that largely stem from state policies, state interference, STAAR TEST bs, shitty pay, lunatic GDQ school boards, book bans, stupid lawsuits and crazy Karen's see the Conroe diversity poster. Its sad. My son had three teachers he really liked, retire last year or pivot fields for all those reasons. The whole thing sucks and is getting worse.
  7. I agree with you mostly. I find it laughable the people get pissy with the use of "Hot Wheels" or the various " won't stand jokes" or argue the false equivalency of those jokes vs using retard or the n word. Abbot chooses to be a horrible, cruel fucker and celebrates and strives to worsem his shitty persona. Perhaps his next campaign ad will be him shooting tannerite under a water station for migrants.
  8. Those special needs kids would make excellent armed school guards. Give them ARs, and lower the age to work to 12 and we can keep up our conservative bona files with Arkansas. It would be embarrassing if we are considered less backward than Arkansas. The Aggies do a lot of heavy to that end, but sometimes we need the Lege to get us over the Mississippi/ Arkansas hump and on to glory. Maybe hire a midget with a broom to sweep those teachers out of school.
  9. I'm a Democrat for now, because they have Policies. The GOP has few actual policies at all. It's all outrage and bullshit. Everything they do sucks for the vast majority of humanity. Fiscal conservatism, family values, America First, lowering the deficit? They have a long track record of this being complete bullshit. They spend, invade countries spuriously, only put themselves first, rape and support and enable serial rapist. Al Franken took a poorly advised honk honk boob photo. Toast. A serial rapist brags about molesting women and he is leading candidate for the GOP. They have made voting an easy choice. I used to have to study candidates and vote with notes in Texas because both parties had policy views i didnt always support and individual candidates ran on different positions, visions or intensity of devotion to party platform. The GOP has gotten so disgusting. Contrast GOV Bush reaching across the aisle to work on issues, and proposing what today would be considered extremely liberal immigration policies vs Abbots murder buoys designed not to keep people out but to maim and kill them. It's disgusting and embarrassing. Proof is Also in the pudding. GOP candidates keep getting worse and can't stop breaking the law, Best Presidents in my life were all Dem excluding Bush SR and I'm not sure what to make of him but he loses points for not pulling out more frequently with Barbs.
  10. All the Olds I know and people of certain political persuasions: " sure it's hot, it's Texas, and its all cyclical. That's what I feel so that's the truth." I feel for the future of the utes.
  11. It's literally like a spike to your brain amirite?
  12. My annus mirabilis was one time my ladyfriend and I were engaged in coitus in a hotel room after a few cocktails. Starting eating her out in 69, she came hard for a very long time, and her butthole starting contracting. It must have winked at me for a solid minute. Stunning sight.
  13. That caravan makes me so mad I left extra heavy bro.
  14. Some asshole had Fox on two tvs at my gym today. I glanced at the Chryon a few times. Covering important news of the day as always: Hunter Biden, Migrant crossing footage, and Chicago Crime. The classics. How anyone can watch this shit is beyond me. How anyone can turn two TVs to Fox and not feel foolish or like an idiot blows my mind.
  15. La piñata tiene caca… tiene caca… cacahuates de a montón
  16. For years people bitch about Austin Sports radio. Then changes are made and it always gets Worse.
  17. Looks like Suburban Ninja? That sucks.
  18. I grew my hair out during the pandemic, and it just made my homies more annoyed when I out shout them at ths Dove lease or at the range. I may meditate or do yoga next time and just really go full libtard.
  19. Rye till I die; why ask why. People that prefer pretzels ain't right. Cumbrellas. God bless the whores.
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