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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. That, like everything else Trump touches, died when he got sued to Bolivia. So that's partly correct, as I don't think the thing ever gets built, it's a perpetual grift machine for his sons. Why build it and stop donations? But if it did, it would be in a place with no permitting, inspections, or you guessed it- a need for Engineers or ADA Commercial toilets. Following the truth that everything Trump touches dies, opening day would be a shitshow of clogged toilets flooding fecal matter (after some geriatric hieffer flushes a Depends) before the entire thing collapses under the weight of the throngs of his fat ass supporters.
  2. If that chart doesn't suck enough shit for the midcoast, I'm hearing of large fish kills in Pringle and the Lagoon.
  3. I'm not sure I've ever installed anything other than elongated bowl. Super common. Old school round bowls are tiny. Commercial project are all elongated and typically ADA hieght (called comfort hieght in Residential) To bring toilet talk full circle, if a toilet drain hits a floor truss, you have to get an engineer to sign of on modifying the truss, and that's sucks more than round toilets. Or have the toilet absurdly far from the wall. Engineers man.
  4. Sure, but the entire toilet is insanely far from the wall. Elongated bowls are just more comfortable in general and give you more room for your junk. I'm 6-1, 190 bro. Some asshole put the drain too far from the wall and then just said fuck it.
  5. "W were boots, maybe if I wear boots people like me." That's probably the full amount of thought applied. Wait till his tie gets longer and he starts wearing orange makeup
  6. I don't know, but I'm hoping his disgusting story arc concludes with a tastefully shot final scene of him taking it in prison and then the camera centers on his Nixon tat- and fin.
  7. Sure, that's enough friction for me to miss this quality content. Maybe during the season.
  8. I think Republicans policy victories over the years will be it's coming undoing. For decades they could run on banning abortion, severely limiting immigration and more gun rights. Now that the actually succeeded they have nothing but vague greviances and even less popular positions. Dobbs really fucked em.
  9. I'm not fucking with apps either for the most part. Between the long ass redundant intros, commercials and weird tangents, I can really only listen if I can quickly switch over to NPR or something else. I'm not toggling between apps etc when they go on a 30min rant about the Texans or Flex, or the NBA.
  10. Imagine being so self-deluded about yourself that you think that the ol Just for Men treatment on the few remaining hairs you have Clinging to the Cliffsides of Your Necrotic dome is going to help you fuck Borat's daughter.
  11. And wear tight roadie shit? I have many offensive proclivities sir, but I'm strictly shitty at riding mountain bikes . No need to bring down Lance with his one nut and clock.
  12. How much for a lake pass? This is Thunderdome.
  13. *whatever climate and resources we have left. Empty oceans, burnt forest etc. Fuck them kids amirite?
  14. Welcome to the party pal. I'm upper Lake Austin, water is 68. Soak in that after the gym for 30 min then feel amazing enough that yard work at 730 pm is fine. I do a lot of my cardio on the lake as well. Swim, various paddle techniques. Save running and bikes for fairer weather when I can.
  15. I like your optimism. But it's misguided. We have a dog here we love dearly but he is a dangerous asshole. We've expected he had 6 months left for 6 years. And we are talking about a dog that has feelings and is loved. That goes a ways. But Assholes tend to live a long time. And don't bow out gracefully. Dotard is the most loved human ever by himself, and many Americans. He should be dead based on weight, rage and age. He should be in jail. Somebody he cheated should have wacked him long ago. Russia should have poisoned him; or some Eastern Euro broad. He should be a financial wreck. He should have been a disgraced failed candidate not Potus. It should be laughable and illegal that he can even run again. Yet here we are. I tend to respect trajectories and will steel myself with the horrible notion this bastard makes another 6 years If nothing else just to suck oxygen to fuel his narcissism. It's going to suck balls and at times be tighter than it should, and will further lower our global standing- it ends how it ends though.
  16. I figured Georgia would take 2 more years to try and Jack Smith has the least slow path forward? *Georgia is doing things correctly by the law, even though it's going to drag on for years.
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