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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. These micro dicked freaks just don't want kids having unrealistic notions of penis size before they try to molest them.
  2. The sheer volume of lies and boasting is insane. He's the best at everything even when stating so contradicts another lie or boast he Just made. What a clown
  3. Soooo, my buddy moved to Harper/ Fredericksburg during the pandemic with his kids. Semi progressive and his wife is half Mexican but they look white af, but two of the kids are pretty feral and tan easily and look kinda brown (despite having blue eyes). Moved this winter break because it was unbearable. Racism, outright misogyny, let's go Brandon shit etc. Out there, and this is anecdotal, they encourage dating in grade school. Kids are dating and kissing in 3rd grade. This is pushed Hard by parents. He found it unsettling compared to Aisd. My kid I think is straight, but hasn't dated much really. And that's okay, and typical of his peers. It's His life. Add grooming to every accusation is a confession. If they get pregnant on thier first experience of intercourse they lock in vanilla sex for life like mom and dad did!
  4. I mean his son basically said, if yall dumb fucks get confused, remember to love one another. It's pretty front and center. Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34 Ol Victoria clearly wasn't acting back in the day. Dumb as dirt and now ugly af inside and out.
  5. He has no choice. If he pisses her off, she will unhinge her jaw and swallow his skinny ass whole where a hellish death awaits.
  6. No wheezing the juice Mr Stoney!
  7. All joking aside I've had great success with a variety of self-help books especially unwinding some serious anger issues. Best investment I ever made. Probably made more progress on my own than in therapy and I spent a lot of time and treasure there too.
  8. Have you tried the self help book that shows you how to make a lethal dart from a common ink pen?
  9. Because one can get a really fucking high quality well marbled NY strip or Porterhouse as well???
  10. Well done steak is the same deal as Mc Donald's "food". Its just a sauce delivery vehicle. Try eating a Big Mac dry or a plain chicken nuggets. Zero flavor at all. Pure trash. It's only edible if your Tremendous pallet and Huge appetite and Bigly knowledge of food favor ketchup.
  11. Cool bro, my girlfriend likes it on her steak and I like sexing her. One less perfect steak I have to cook over mesquite reverse sear and finish with butter.
  12. "I hope one of those woogy boogy son bitches step on my property so I can shoot that jungle ass saggy pant wearing dancing eating all the chicken." It really is Just a racist dream of many many people. I think my brother's racism stems from getting his ass whipped by some black dudes in school for a couple years and never getting even. Full stop a life time of voting R because he ran in the regular classes with dumber people including his white trash friends and only experienced black folks that whipped his ass. I got into fights with a whole rainbow coalition of folks so I realize there are assholes of every race, especially drunk girls from Laos. The will scratch your fucking face off.
  13. Well said. At worst she's a career do- gooder nerd that may have craved power, but also actually wanted to improve her country and help people.
  14. JC flexible AF. True King of Kings IMO
  15. Definition of perfect pitch. When you throw away a banjo and it hits an accordion. -Willie Nelson
  16. Fabulous hair, dressed in women's clothes with a very feminine posture. Travis doth protest too much methinks.
  17. Friend of mine had to go to New México to get an abortion. 3 kids, and she's 47 so carrying to term was not an realistic or safe option. Her husband couldn't be with her because they have 3 kids. Very traumatic for her. These people are sick fucks. I still can't believe we regressed so much on so many issues so quickly. It's a quiet nightmare.
  18. Unrelated, but you picked an absolutely fucked year for the PCT. Should have took up skiing. Dumpage.
  19. Fished the guad again. Morning bite was good, one on a dry, after noon it slowed way down. 8 fish 15-22". Brought a buddy, who got skunked. Spent most of the day trying to get him dialed and retying his tangled cluster fucks. The 22 jumped three times and was a beautiful holdover fish. Clean fat, and happy. The fish not me. Lost my reading glasses, again, which made tieing size 20 flies a real fucking joy and probably contributed to me breaking off a big fish late in the day. Great weather aside from the wind.
  20. A little development off Lamar has Grateful Dead Songs for Streets. Easy Wind, Sugaree etd. That's kinda cool, but also ironic. Henley's Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac comes to mind. It's delicious?
  21. Correct and now all the snowflakes are becoming aware and are canceling Budweiser. Kid Rock shot up a case of Bud Light. They are pouring thier own beer down the drain.
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