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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Texas is divided into 22 trauma service areas (TSAs). Is there a table somewhere with the population of each TSA?
  2. Shit, some thought that there wouldn’t be a vaccine period, what with there not being vaccines against coronaviruses and all.
  3. Any idea if Delco will be doing the same tomorrow?
  4. WTF? Why? How is one supposed to find this out?
  5. XYZ

    Cobra Kai

    This. The whole Daniel vs Kreese we're finally gonna fight thing was pretty meh. I also didn’t give a shit about the Kreese flashbacks. I don’t need to know how he became a lunatic.
  6. I guess I should add, the student will not have a car, so either on UT shuttle route or within walking distance.
  7. But it won’t. There’s two uses for BTC: 1) to buy it, let the price go up and sell it for more $, just like you would with a collectible item or stocks, and 2) to buy illegal shit. That’s it. You’re not gonna be buying your groceries with BTC, and you’re most definitely never, ever gonna be paying your taxes with BTC.
  8. Zillow? apartments.com? West campus? Speedway? Riverside? Thanks in advance.
  9. So y’all that are long the stock market, do you sleep well at night? I mean, this is the weirdest stock market I’ve seen since I started paying attention to markets in the 90s. This past year the lockdowns gutted a large part of the economy...and we make all-time highs every day.
  10. So for the people who are non-medical, non-old, non-chronic condition, we just have to wait, right?
  11. 1500 shots per day doesn’t seem like a lot.
  12. Two fighter jets just flew over SW Austin.
  13. I always forget, is a metric fuckton more or less than an imperial fuckton?
  14. Is Ash really that good? I feel like after Manny _iaz and To__ Orlan_o, we are just happy that our defense under Ash didn’t have huge schematic holes that get exploited over and over by the other teams, but statistically speaking this year’s defense wasn’t very good at anything.
  15. I hope the fightin’ Mack Browns beat the shit out of aggy.
  16. I don’t understand why Bama is being considered a heavy favorite in this game. tOSU looked better yesterday.
  17. 0% chance that Sarkisian wins an MNC at Texas.
  18. Fired an alcoholic to hire another alcoholic.
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