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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. EPL refs are so fucking bad. City should have had a pk and their goal should have been called back for a foul. I guess it evens out, but it's awful to watch. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  2. I'll probably read the synopsis on wikipedia one day.
  3. Welcome to the justice system. Rule 1: Don't be black. Rule 2: Don't be poor.
  4. Y'all generally had the better run of play throughout the game, but a couple of poor mistakes, great keeping by kepa, and a poor reffing decision made the difference. As a Chelsea supporter, it's weird being on the good side of a game like that after the year we've had. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  5. Chilwell lucky to be still be on the pitch after that tackle. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  6. Kante likely out till January. Fuuuuuuuucckk. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  7. More of a rye question than a bourbon question here. I've been trying to add Manhattans to my cocktail rotation so that I'm not always drinking old fashioneds and margs. I've been using Carpano Antica Formula for my vermouth and so far I've tried Sazerac, Whistlepig 10, and EH Taylor Rye as my ryes. I thought Whistlepig tasted the best for the Manhattan. What is everyone's favorite combo when you make yours? I'm more interested in trying more ryes since I can always just drink them straight unlike the vermouth. Ideally, it would be something fairly easy to find since I'm not going to be on any frequent buyer lists at this point.
  8. Holy balls. That episode. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  9. Is this game about the teams or the ref? Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  10. So . . . Pool just forgot how to defend? Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  11. Must be too busy kicking ass and making shit happen to notice that some nobody traitor died. Or maybe he knew and he was calling her out in hell.
  12. Yeah, I'm on team y'all don't know what overrated means. At this point in the thread only Snow's (agreed; it's overrated), EYM, and maybe Hopdoddy could be considered overrated. Everything else is generally already considered mediocre to acceptable, which is right on point for most popular/accessible places.
  13. That's a big nope unless they want to royally piss of everyone who's read the Silmarillion. To cut the story short, Elrond's father is currently on a boat that is able to sail/fly to the furthest reaches of world and is seen is a star in the night sky because of the Silmaril he wears on his head(the star whose light Galadriel captured to make the vial Frodo uses). His sacrifice is the reason the Valar returned to Middle Earth to defeat the original big bad Morgoth. It would be like if someone made a movie that's meant to be a serious interpretation of the Bible and when Jesus rises from the dead he becomes a bad guy (which actually sounds kind of cool if he were a flesh eating zombie).
  14. The original TMNT movie. Best treatment of the father-son relationship in all of cinema.
  15. He's going to get paid then start putting in zero effort?
  16. Agreed on this. I'm pretty sure we're looking at different time periods. At least for Galadriel and Arondir.
  17. Put most of it into two 529s for my son and future second child. Use the rest to pay down by car note.
  18. The orcs in LOTR were essentially forced to go out in the sunlight or face death at the hands of the Uruk Hai or Sauron. It has never been clear to me, but there may also be different 'breeds' of orcs that have differing resistance to sunlight. The Hobbit mentions 'goblins' that won't even leave the caves to chase Bilbo and the Dwarfs. It may be that they just didn't have the motivation. Or they could be much more susceptible to injury from the sun than the orcs in LOTR. /nerdout
  19. So what are the best matches this weekend in other leagues? All I see of interest is Dortmund v Leipzig. Any good rivalry matches I'm unaware of? Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  20. I'm pretty sure you have to be at least 20% turtle to have the physical capacity to get the accent perfectly.
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