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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. I see this thread and click on it hoping that there was an announcement that Trump was indicted in Georgia. Instead I get multiple pages of Chewbacca and Twice engaging in the world's saddest circle jerk. Great job, guys. You outdid yourselves.
  2. Not wanting to call in the Avengers because you need to handle it then handing off the fight to a skrull who you allow to become the most powerful being in the university doesn't seem like a great plan, Nick.
  3. Dropping both indictments at the same time so that you split up the crazies would be a good idea. And also, fuck Trump.
  4. Yes. And they are the same people who know and support what the song is about, but are too cowardly to admit it.
  5. The funny part of this to me is this tough guy fake country boy releasing a song filled with racist dog whistles and glorifying lynching, but he's too much of a pussy to just admit it. If that's what you believe, just come out and say it, you fucking pussy. Don't hide behind coded language.
  6. I'm guessing another one of his attorneys has been informed that they broke the law.
  7. The prequel trilogy were good stories with bad execution. The sequel trilogy were horrible stories with mediocre to good execution. I can sit through the prequels with the understanding that I'll see some stupid shit in there and have to sit through Anakin and Padme's complete lack of chemistry. Watching the sequels just makes me angry.
  8. After finding out about this movie yesterday I was mildly interested since it's by the guy who did Paddington. Now that I've watched the preview, I can say it looks like it sucks. Oh well.
  9. Maybe ask someone in Uvalde.
  10. IIRC, it was around 80 for OLC's pick.
  11. The great thing about bourbon is that you don't need to have some holy grail to have something you love. I'm sipping on an ECPBBS that I found on the shelf at OLC and it's fucking fantastic. EC hits my palate just right and a higher age statement barrel strength version is exactly what I'm looking for in a bourbon. Don't get too caught up in the FOMO of BTAC and other impossible to find bourbons and try to just enjoy what you enjoy.
  12. You'll secretly think it's amazing?
  13. She should consider contacting UT housing for help. They also have a tool here: https://housing.offcampus.utexas.edu/listing?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItcaqr8SEgAMVK3tMCh2BWw-sEAAYAyAAEgKx3_D_BwE.
  14. You're pointing out the whole reason for the top 10% law. The top 5% kid from Vidor and a whole host of other areas of the state wouldn't get into UT without the top 10% law, so legislators from those districts passed to law to ensure that the kids of their constituents could get admission to UT. It acts to diversify the student body by ensuring equal admissions from across the state and allowing legislators from poor performing areas to tell their constituents that they are providing access to UT for their kids. And hopefully the kids who gain admission to UT from the low performing areas go back to those areas and raise the bar so that we see actual societal benefits from the law.
  15. Texas public universities are not allowed to consider legacy status in admissions decisions. This is a private school/non-Texas issue.
  16. I thought I lived in a nice neighborhood, but someone has an RFK, Jr. sign in their yard. I may be time to move.
  17. For lynels you just need a good weapon and to be good at dodging. I've been farming them to upgrade the barbarian armor and just need two more white lynel horns to finish it off. For gleeoks, a double spring or rocket shield plus aerocuda eyes is pretty much a must to take it down once it gets to a quarter life and flies high. Get as high as you can and shoot off a bunch of aerocuda arrows in its direction. Land three and it should fall and die from the fall.
  18. Trump already did that. And people like incredulity made him president because they like it so much.
  19. Whatever happened to the coward @clapclapclap? I haven't seen him in here in ages.
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