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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. Clearly not enough cowbell. Edit: Damn it, UDK.
  2. Yeah, I've seen a lot of his stuff. He's also a guest in one of the episodes of the Chef show, which is basically a non-fiction extension of the movie. Favreau and Roy Choi just go around cooking food with other celebrities and hanging out.
  3. This shit is starting to hit real close to home.
  4. Did you know that flying is statistically safer than driving?
  5. I suggest you also get it cleaned really well. They definitely fucked in it.
  6. Watch out. You're being so mean to him that he might have to vote for Trump again.
  7. White people. Turkleton is going full blown racist dog whistle with that one.
  8. Care to guess where he was planning to attend college?
  9. It's because he's been such a boon for Icono's stock investments. Oh, wait . . . .
  10. Kepa clearly needs to jerk off more so he can get stronger wrists.
  11. I'm not going to complain too much since I'm a Chelsea fan, but Matip cramping up is a perfectly good example of why having this game during the season is such a stupid idea. Go to overtime in a relatively meaningless game and one of your starters goes down with cramps, making him less successful in your meaningful game three days later.
  12. The line judge on Pool's side looks like she has some big tits.
  13. He will. There isn't much difference in finishing the misses he had the past two games and finishing the number of goals he's had during the past two seasons. He just needs to get more confidence in himself that he can do it at this level too.
  14. Tammy with the hustle play to win the pk and Jorginho with the ballsy goal. Nice.
  15. I missed almost all of the second half, but between this game and the last I have almost no confidence in Zouma. He's a mistake waiting to happen. We really need Rudiger back.
  16. Our owner is a Russian oligarch. I'm pretty sure if he wants to bride someone he can and he knows exactly how to do it.
  17. Ironically, Vinnie Jones played for Chelsea.
  18. He's clearly fucking insane and Republicans are just like "welp, we got a tax cut that exploded the deficit, judges that undermine the legitimacy of the judiciary, and brown people are scare of being deported or killed. I'll call it a win."
  19. Welp, City doesn't get a transfer ban for doing the same thing for which Chelsea got a two window transfer ban. I guess we didn't grease the right palms.
  20. They were busy hanging out with Opus Dei.
  21. Only one of those three wins trophies. Plus Chelsea has Captain America. The choice should be clear.
  22. This is my take. We showed a lot of positives despite being down arguably our two most important defensive players (and two likely offensive starters). We hit the post twice and had other good opportunities whereas Man U just did a great job of finishing their chances. I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with Kante and Rudiger back (Zouma was a huge liability). Hopefully Reece James can be an added defensive bonus over the course of the season and can eventually replace Azpi. I'm not ready to give up on top 4 just because of one away game against a top 6 squad. My expectation for the season was to be in a fight for the top 4 while our youth grows into form and Lampard gets his system into place. Nothing about the first game changes that expectation.
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