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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. All the silicone in Texas gets shipped to Dallas.
  2. It makes me wonder how much of that is spent actually watching the programming and how much is olds, retirement homes, and mechanics just leaving that shit on all day in the background.
  3. Having spent significant time living in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, and Houston, I can confidently say that they all have shitty traffic, a high number of shitty drivers, and other faults that every big city in the country has. But Dallas is the worst. The fucking worst.
  4. He also referred to us as a Burnt Orange Mos Eisley Cantina. That's . . . pretty spot on, actually.
  5. It's because they're thin skinned little bitches. And that's not an insult, it's a fact.
  6. Maybe EMAW should just stop posting ever.
  7. My second question. How has EMAW not been sourced yet? He's a Kansas fan on a Longhorn board who constantly shit posts. He should be gone.
  8. My question too. What point is OP trying to make here?
  9. Since it's open to the public and already posted on Texags, here's Mama Dunn's facebook post regarding the hearing (note that he's been living with them for a year): So we spent the day at UIL to present our case for Demond Demas. This boy has overcome adversity like no child should ever have to. He has seen violence, drugs, gangs and murders. One of them being his little brother in a drive by. He is in Tomball with us and has been for a year now. He is safe and strong and is developing into the most amazing young man. Today he handled himself with dignity and grace. I’m ashamed of “Coach” Terrell at North Forest High School for telling the board that he moved for athletic purposes. This child moved to be safe. His mother and grandmother want him here. We will continue to fight. UIL did not even listen to our side today. These cold and calculated members have been out of the classroom too long. They have forgotten what it’s like to see a hungry child. They have forgotten what it’s like to see a child scared to go home. They have forgotten humanity. This was such a disgrace today. We will continue to fight with our friends and family! This child got his entire senior year ripped away from him. I sat there today and shed tears because UIL listened and agreed with lie after lie after lie from “Coach Terrell”. I cried in the parking lot with this precious boy as he watched his teammates all suited up on the field knowing he can’t be a part of it. All I know is that karma is a bitch. No true educator would strip a child of the only thing he has to keep him from falling into the system. My heart is hurting for him. All I can do is teach him that this is not the end. He will continue to train and work hard and be ready to play at Texas A & M next year. When will we come together to help instead of hindering our kids? UIL is an f’n joke. As I walked out today, I told “Coach” Terrell he should be ashamed of himself and that he is a terrible person. There is no shame in my game. Y’all watch! Demond will be a better person in the end, and I will proudly say that my husband and I were a part of it!
  10. Mexico should offer to buy California. Trump would actually try to agree.
  11. Sure, but the Republicans in the Senate and on the Supreme Court don't give a shit about following or protecting the Constitution.
  12. He's so bad at this. Can he be the congressperson we send back where they came from?
  13. I can confirm that the family is very much made up of Texas fans. But the kid isn't Texas good and they really want him to play college ball, so they are trying to set him up for that. Whether they are actually involved in any of the shady stuff being discussed in this thread, I have no idea.
  14. You're just as bad as the Trumpers who find a couple of tweets by leftists advocating for socialism and then use that to claim that everyone on the left is a socialist.
  15. The parenthetical meant to refer to Smirnoff Ice, not the vodka. I couldn't tell you how the vodka compares since I haven't voluntarily consumed vodka in about a decade.
  16. Shitty vodka with Gatorade when I was 19. But you'd never see me drinking the crackhead version of Sminoff Ice (or regular Smirnoff). No, I drink Bulleit, Yellow Rose, or craft beer. Getting shitfaced doesn't require shitty alcohol.
  17. Basically, Prager U is made up of a bunch of grifters and morons who profit off of other morons. They don't know what they're talking about and their lawsuit is bullshit.
  18. Clearly not enough cowbell. Edit: Damn it, UDK.
  19. Yeah, I've seen a lot of his stuff. He's also a guest in one of the episodes of the Chef show, which is basically a non-fiction extension of the movie. Favreau and Roy Choi just go around cooking food with other celebrities and hanging out.
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