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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. Nice communication between Ramos and Marcelo there. I'm really interested to see if Real are as bad as they've looked in the pre-season so far.
  2. The person running from the bad guy in the woods always keeps looking behind themselves then they run into a tree or trip and hurt themselves allowing the bad guy to catch up. Plots involving legal issues/the legal system that are completely and totally wrong.
  3. I just hope she wins the nomination and wears an "I'm with stupid" shirt to her first debate with Trump.
  4. For those mentioning safety schools: make your kids apply to safety schools. Shit can happen in the admissions process. Unless they are applying to schools where they have guaranteed admission, they need to have a back up.
  5. Nope. OP is stupid. Incredibly, incredibly stupid. Don't be like OP.
  6. He's so dumb that zavala thinks he's smart.
  7. Did you think that was a coherent post when you wrote it? That don't make no sense.
  8. If he wants to play for a team that competes for CL, why is he considering Arsenal?
  9. Aggy is already a part of the top 10% rule. All public universities in Texas are. The difference is that there's a special statutory provision that permits UT to cap its top 10% admission at 75% of the class since without that law UT would fill out it's entire class and then some with top 10% admits. Aggy isn't popular enough to need that limitation.
  10. I mean . . . I kind of want the backstory. Normally I'm okay leaving it to the imagination, but I'm having trouble imagining any reason an Advil bottle would be in the toaster and how she could use the toaster without noticing the bottle in there. Is she blind?
  11. Hmm. That makes it seem like he committed perjury. I wonder if the GOP will do anything about it since they care so much about perjury. Eh, who am I kidding? The GOP doesn't give a shit about a border patrol official committing perjury by lying about the detainment of an American citizen.
  12. She's probably not going to get into UT with those numbers, but she could go to UTSA and get into UT Austin as a sophomore through the CAP program: https://www.utsystem.edu/board-of-regents/rules/40305-coordinated-admission-program.
  13. Oh. I thought it was a sports bra and he was talking about titties.
  14. Nancy is the general in The Last Jedi who "has a plan" but doesn't actually tell anyone and ultimately ends up getting almost everyone killed because her plan and leadership suck.
  15. Welp, time to go look at some tits to get that image out of my head.
  16. CSB. I played street hockey with squints shortly after the Sandlot came out. One of the older kids in our neighborhood, who happened to be best friends with my friend's older brother, was cast in the Big Green along with squints, so he came out to our neighborhood to hang out and play hockey. /CSB.
  17. The first one is a very fun action movie with one of the best action scenes in cinema. The second one is awful.
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