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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Maybe he can bus pedophiles into Disney itself. To, you know, really show them who the boss is.
  2. Everyone should watch yesterday's episode and the farm workers segment. If you think it's political, you're a giant POS.
  3. Stupid to allow that shortcut. Only takes one moron fan.
  4. KD zero shots last 5 min. Monty should be fired for that alone. Unreal.
  5. I’m a Russ hater so take it with a grain of salt but that’s definitely a foul. But props for his rebounding and effort. NBA playoffs are must see TV.
  6. Why would you guard WB close enough to foul his dumb ass? Jesus Booker
  7. Your feed might be delayed. 🧱3-18 Sure a few more shots for Kawhi would have sealed a W but dipshit gonna dipshit.
  8. There’s a reason Desmond didn’t say much about Reaves. Lol
  9. I'll be honest, I'd vote for anyone named Billy Joe Guntard. I think I speak for all of us.
  10. I could do the free throw thing. No doubt. The 10 3 bet? I don’t think so
  11. I think I reference 49-0 more than anyone on this site. Still lulz. UT should have that on a RR phantom. Just saying. 😎
  12. As a sooner fan I’m left gruntled. UT 35 - OU 17 progress
  13. I mean going back to what the founding fathers put together. Many of the concepts and definitively the terms you listed didn’t exist back then. This one they should have seen coming as a potential disaster. ‘The Judiciary Act of 1789 is passed by Congress and signed by President George Washington, establishing the Supreme Court of the United States as a tribunal made up of six justices who were to serve on the court until death or retirement.’
  14. I'm sorry, but it's not just another. It's THE biggest fucking flaw. What a colossal fuckup. Oh and I haven't said it in a while...fuck RBG.
  15. In my defense, I lasted until today. Winning?
  16. Narrator: not even the cops would hold a door open for him, everyone hates him
  17. This seems like something else the Simpsons would have had in an episode a few decades ago.
  18. LOL. Just what they need…More offensive minds out there. The blindspot LR has is unbelievable.
  19. Should be illegal for this dude and Presti to be out there dealing with likes of Cuban et al... classic chess vs checkers.
  20. Not sure Oklahoma can even outdo the type of shit we're seeing down there in Texas. I know UT is a bastion of civility in that state full of backward ass clowns but Jesus...
  21. Sure. I’d agree. To me someone like Bill Gates is fine. He earned his and has pledged to give 99% away. He is a product of capitalism. There’s plenty of people who have good arguments against capitalism but I’m more for it than against. I speak to people every day who want socialism. Granted my circle is decidedly left in a fairly far left city - I have no issues with any of them personally and they seem to like me just fine. We just disagree on capitalism and aren’t even close. And the truth is if it’s socialism vs today’s far right - I’ll take socialism.
  22. Sure, I bet that's still there too. But the whole other level of fuckups are the west texas assholes who are about as far right as you can get. Texas, in general, is a hot mess but the metro areas overall sure beat what we see out of the big money folks from bumblefuck. I'm referencing that CNN special on the two billionaries, Tim Dunn and Farris Wilkes. Definition of evil assholes. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/24/politics/texas-far-right-politics-invs/index.html
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