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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by George

  1. Nice challenge by the coach. Got them a TD out of it.
  2. I think y’all are confusing the ~$500 dome systems with the self aligning directv dish or a traditional dish on a tripod that has to be aligned. the dome units don’t support DirecTV HD satellites. dish network supports HD in the domes, directv doesn’t. Hope I’m wrong. Show me the light! something like this is what I was basing that $1500 delta on. https://www.solidsignal.com/winegard-travler-self-aiming-directv-swm-satellite-dish-sl3-sk-swm3?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=SK-SWM3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0YvZ_pyv8wIV7GxvBB3-ggZMEAQYBCABEgLz2PD_BwE
  3. I don’t think so. It looked like he tackled him at/above the waist then slid down on the knee.
  4. Man. That’s a 1500 delta. Can buy a lot of beer and whiskey with that. Might be a season 2 addition if I don’t get canceled after a year.
  5. Your experiences seem to align with what I was reading. I think I’m going to give one of the traditional dish/tripod kits a shot and see how it goes on the satellite front.
  6. So the more I read up on satellite options, the more confused I get. Maybe you guys have experiences that you can offer. 1. I'd like to go with DirecTV because that's what I've got at home, and from what I can tell, I should be able to just add a box to my account and use it in the RV. 2. Looking at the RV/Dome dish solutions, there's not an HD option for DirecTV, and from what I'm reading, the SD sats might be getting phased out. They also don't support the newer receivers, which probably isnt a deal breaker, but future proofing would be nice. I just don't want to shell out $500 for an obsolete dish. I was looking at the Winegard Carryout G3 with a tripod (dont really want to roof mount). 3. I came across this, which is a pretty cheap entry point, but requires manual aiming and probably some sort of rigged up platform/base. However, this supports HD and the newer receiver types. Anyone have experience aligning/aiming one of these dishes? https://www.solidsignal.com/DIRECTV-Slimline-SWM-Kit-for-Camping-Tailgating-RVing-w-UltraHD-4K-LNB-RVSATKIT-DTVHD-SWM Basically, the more reading I do, the more confused I get...trying not to back myself into a corner. Getting some analysis paralysis and don't want to screw it up. Other stuff on my mind is around OTA antenna and getting both into the rig. RV has a cable jack on the outside, but i dont think that will work for OTA or SAT purposes. Any decent OTA's you'd recommend w/o breaking the bank?
  7. You knew kyland was going to be a bitch about it no matter what. That’s been his mo all season.
  8. George has entered the chat... Just went in with my parents on a 2014 Fleetwood Tioga Montera 31M. They'll use it infrequently for a few weeks at a time, while our crew will do more frequent local trips. Should be interesting to see how it works out. This is our first venture, but we've rented some normal bumper pulls in the past and we have a close friend with a Class A that we've camped with so we're about to find out if we're actually camping people. We're doing a 2-night local trip in a few weeks to get our feet wet. First priority - TV so we (I) can watch football from the lake. Otherwise, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Trying to find some good n00b resources online for the various systems.
  9. Lol. Cowboys make a kick to win and then 20 seconds later the Vikings miss one that woulda beat Arizona.
  10. Lol. These dumb fucks just tried to start a SEC chant.
  11. Holy fuck at the meltdown. And the cU students are going nuts with overrated chant
  12. These people about to lose their mind if they call that a fumble.
  13. So I got roped into attending the game. Cu students with the overrated chant, fuck your Aggie’s and hurling beers. Lmao
  14. George


    This thing end up on YouTube somewhere? Was able to catch first two in hotel yesterday (in college station of all places) and need to see the third.
  15. I don’t know if this is the right place, but didn’t really want to start a new thread. We lost our beloved chi-weenie Bella this morning. She came into our lives ~9 years ago after my wife’s 4th miscarriage. She’s given us so much joy over the years. She’s been dealing with chronic bronchitis for the last year or so and it turned to pneumonia this last week. She’s been getting daily treatment but short fast shallow breathing didn’t improve and we found her this morning lethargic and she was basically gone before we could get her to the ER. This one hurts. Ugh. I hate that her last few days were filled with suffering. in regards to the quoted pic. Like all chihuahuas, she could be a real bitch to strangers, but she was the sweetest fucking thing to our family.
  16. Well…what you got D? lmao. Missed xp
  17. Seems a big cigar wouldn’t be too worried about ticket prices.
  18. What’s the deal with this new sideline camera technology. That shit weirds me out for some reason. I like seeing the shit in the background.
  19. Sweet. Sirens going off in Frisco/McKinney. We’re about to catch the Keller leftovers.
  20. Gotta learn the lingo and ask for the DW4.
  21. Judge admonished her at the end for talking over the defense guy and talking too much. She started to get cross with him too lmao.
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