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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Great. The worst person on the show is from McKinney. Survivor did its best to drum up drama in the edit leading up to tribal. I told my wife that if either of the black contestants on the yellow team get voted off tonight, I'm out. /no racist Dee and J Maya in some water competitions please. Speaking of, does anyone remember the gratuitous baby oil challenge from several years ago? It may have been one of the Rob/Amber seasons. Folks had to oil their entire bodies and do a "slip n slide" type challenge. That'd be cool to bring back.
  2. Any idea about what The Sphere "show" is supposed to be? We're heading out there for Christmas. Whatever might pass for a show there may be the only thing we all agree on. All I can gather is that some AI robots do some stuff and the end is produced by Aronofsky.
  3. Why? We've had like 10 safeties signed in the last 3 classes. Why Taffe?
  4. Speaking of drag worms. Does anyone recall the old lady that used to walk around with tree branches on the drag? Mid-90's.
  5. Super, super close to my grandfather. WWII vet, farmer, all around great guy. Supposedly the 2nd longest funeral procession in Brownwood after Gordon Wood. Anyway, he got pancreatic cancer the tail end of my senior year in HS. He fought and fought but lost the battle in November of my freshman year at TX. I had taken a Greyhound back to Brownwood the weekend in which he was supposed to pass. He continued fighting, so I borrowed my great aunt's '78 Ford pickup and hauled back to Austin for the week. I parked the truck in the Memorial Stadium parking lot - assuming that's where one parks w/o a parking pass. Got to Jester. Found out he'd passed earlier that evening. Went back to the truck. Cried a bit. Headed back to Brownwood that night. It was hard at the time; however, the most difficult part was in knowing that I was in my own world at the end of his life. I mean, senior year, then freshman year at UT. My lifelong dream. It was incredibly easy (at the time) to kind of put the situation in the back of my mind. Still bothers me to this day that I didn't take extra time just to talk to him about WWII, life, the farm, etc...
  6. It's effing awesome. By the end, you'll wonder who slipped you the strong gummy or LSD.
  7. Well, you might when the entire league is subsidized by men. There aren't a hell of a lot of sports that are able to lose money 25 years straight w/o some sort of help.
  8. Knoxtnhorn


    So I'm getting somewhat over f'd up each night in taking 30 mgs on weekdays and 60 mgs on weekends? Hmmm. I figured I was taking a relatively low dose. The more you learn...
  9. Knoxtnhorn


    No idea. This is it https://spensary.com/hhcp-hhc-d9-thc-gummies-extra-strength-1200mg---20-pieces/
  10. Knoxtnhorn


    Question. Is this a lot, as far as online orders go. I've been taking a half each night for insomnia. Wondering if I'm taking too much of something, too little, no idea. I smoked pot like 20 times my entire life, so I don't have a good reference. HHCP + HHC + D9-THC Gummies - Extra Strength 1200mg
  11. The Tony Jones catch solidified my love for TX. Listened to the game on the radio. When we went to pick my mom up from the airport (not game related), a bunch of the TX cheerleaders were switching flights and hooping and hollering throughout the airport. They were all giving me the Hook 'Em for my TX shirt. Pretty big deal for a 10 year old.
  12. Glad y'all were able to hang in there. F's sake, even the commercials were getting on my nerves.
  13. Gonna watch this one later @Parliament as I don't recall it. Kind of reminds me of the original episode of the toys trapped in a "well". If you've seen it, you know.
  14. Yep. As one who had complained about the show growing a tad stale, this season has kept me interested. Not sure how in I'd be on trying to cook out rancid pork, though.
  15. Lee Harvey's built a pool? I'm sorry. That's the last place I'd ever think would be in the poolside bar business. Nevertheless, looking forward to it. Edited to say, I wasn't complaining about the place. I like it. I just can't picture a pool w/ this place.
  16. Ha! I thought this was going to be the aggy that tweeted he'd rather aggy and Texas both lose than both win.
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