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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Ha! I thought this was going to be the aggy that tweeted he'd rather aggy and Texas both lose than both win.
  2. Saban's first home loss by double in his career. Or something. I'm drunk
  3. Unlimited juice? This party is going to be off the hook.
  4. Can't fucking wait to see the new hire aggy that asked me who "TU was playing" this weekend.
  5. Cool. Every time I criticize a player, they make a play.
  6. Lulz. I hit back on this thread to neg myself. I guess you can't.
  7. LOL. If the rumors of McKinnley's heart not being in it for football, he sure as hell picked the right school to commit to.
  8. Seeing Miami's QB light them up is a def lol. As previously noted, aggy couldn't post enough memes of last week's national college qb ratings.
  9. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that he drops the ball at the WORST GODDAMN TIME! Drop the fucker against Rice in a game up 30; not there.
  10. I was shocked and thinking I was missing something when I kept coming across all the QBR rating posts about Weigman after week 1. Twitter and crackhead Luicci kept posting all these "amazing" stats from a game against a scrub. Oh well.
  11. Yeah. I don't want to jinx it, but Texags is fucking hilarious right now.
  12. TN down 6-3 to Austin Peay with 7 mins to go in the 1st half. Heisman QB Milton is 1-8 for 11 yards.
  13. I've yet to read a sign more original than a 10 year-olds could make.
  14. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Whoa. With football starting, I'm completely out of the loop. I know it's an international break, but it's weird to see the "A" team play a friendly, in the US, w/o anything truly major (qualifying) coming up.
  15. Damn. I know these kids are young, but that's got to be hard on a body. As an old, it takes me damn near a week to recover from one, 90-min soccer game.
  16. Ha! I think I had that one as well. I'm pretty sure the first purchase I made from the Co-op, in addition to books, was a "10 Reasons I Didn't Go to A&M" shirt. I thought it funny at the time.
  17. Yep. Just came across an article. Yippee. More money down the drain.
  18. Long story short. 27 piers around our house. We needed 3 more in the center of the house. Foundation company does all the pre-work tests. No leaks. Installs the 3 piers. Now we have a leak right in the center of the house - about a foot from where one of the holes was dug. What's the call here? Call the foundation company back? We're screwed; hire a plumber?
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