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Everything posted by Woland

  1. Maybe not. Small children seem not to be able to receive sufficient viral load, but I haven’t done any reading on it in weeks and the the knowledge bank is expanding rapidly.
  2. I’m trying to keep up. Is there a transcript showing his family was threatened. Did this come from his lawyer?
  3. Woland


    Our Secretary of the Treasury was/is a big player. Homewreckers
  4. Remember the wall? I’m guessing the same people who are accusing others of living in fear because they choose to stay at home, keep social distance, and wear a mask are the same people who demand a wall to keep out the hordes of rapists and murderers from the south. And don’t forget liberals, Democrats, socialists, black presidents, women who wear hijabs, and congressmen with Puerto Rican backgrounds.
  5. I’m lazy tonight. Do you have a link? Nothing I have found discusses these specifics and I would love to bring up that it was voluntary to a couple of folks. The way they make it sound, he was kidnapped and underwent water boarding.
  6. Ingredients ½ stick butter 5 tbsp olive oil 2 lb 4 oz white mushrooms 4 fast garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 fresh red chili, de-seeded and finely chopped 1 tbsp lemon juice salt and pepper fresh parsley sprigs, to garnish Instructions 1.Heat the butter with the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottom skillet. When the butter has melted, add the mushrooms, garlic, and chili and cook over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. 2.Stir in the lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper. 3.Transfer to warmed serving dishes and serve immediately, garnished with parsley sprigs.
  7. The plandemic conspiracy? Susceptible users of FB are already catalogued through the shit they follow and share...easy enough to push more crap on the people who will spread it around the internet.
  8. Chicken Tagine with Olives and Pickled Lemon
  9. Pork Chops Glazed with Cheese
  10. I think it was that noted liberal James Baker III that stated in an interview in "The American Ruling Class" that if you don't use power, you lose it. I wish I could find a transcript.
  11. Let him give it a try. People have been saying he’s the best navigator ever.
  12. A Trump supporter posted an article in which the author (incorrectly) based his thesis on the psychological studies of Jonathan Haigt. The article ended up being a "conservatives good/liberals bad" garbage piece, but it did get me into reading about Haigt, and I followed links and leads to other opinions. My conclusion, based on an afternoon of surfing the internet, is that Trump supporters at this point are authoritarians who are now lost in tribal psychology.
  13. How soon do we start embedding commissars into the military?
  14. Trumpkins on my Facebook were upset that the press were so mean to Trump. I asked what questions were so bad. The reply...the evil press kept repeating the same questions.
  15. Maybe we need to outsource data collection to Cambridge Analytica.
  16. Up until today, I thought of Trump as a self-serving dick with psychological problems. Now I’m moving him over into the column of “lunatics who have lost all sense of reality.”
  17. Anecdotally, there are a lot of people who think he is doing an outstanding job. I don’t agree.
  18. I really starting to think there is the threat of a polonium cocktail hanging over Graham’s head.
  19. It would help if the Democrats had a foreign government to do the dirty work.
  20. Dude in front of OAN reporter knows he is on camera and trying so hard to keep a straight face.
  21. With pool cues. Someone else can post the GIF.
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