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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Stallions mailed 1099s to everyone from his LLC. Spyguy INC
  2. Ariens being traded is the only one I can think of. I guess Payton getting traded too but he sucks now.
  3. Campbell seems pretty entrenched in Detroit. I can't imagine him jumping ship to another organization.
  4. Come on. I don't really sound like that do I? He does have a point though........ code breaking sounds pretty cool compared to sign stealing.
  5. Unfortunately for Michigan, and for me. This is stallions. The CMU GA story was fake news from Michigan fans that are somehow more delusional than I am.
  6. First time for the helmets. Throwbacks to the last time they won a championship. 1957. yikes. Total Yards Jahmyr Gibbs: 189 The Las Vegas Raiders: 157
  7. I agree with most of what you said. I don't think "let's see how this actually ends up" is a completely unreasonable take to have. You don't have to be paranoid to see that this is a PR attack that Michigan can't respond to. Did stallions go outside the lines, absolutely. Does him having a google drive that his minions uploaded their videos to mean that harbaugh knew and supported what he was doing? I would like to see how it plays out before I make that call. If this is such a tremendous advantage why would the NCAA go thirty years without implementing a quick fix? Why would football coaches—the most paranoid group of professionals anywhere on this earth—not go to un-hackable wristbands? The claims that this is the WORST SCANDAL EVER simply do not align with the behavior of anyone in the sport for the last three decades.
  8. Absolutely. Look at that chart it is insanity that "the greatest" rivalry in college football was that one sided. For 20 years I would get so hyped up every morning, get ready and think there was a chance. Then just dick punched for 18 of 20 years. That 2018 and 2019 game really put it over the top. Yeah there were some whoopings when Michigan wasn't that good under cHoke and DickRod but to see Ohio state put up 108 points in 2 games was gross.
  9. This is exactly what I am doing. I have admitted multiple times that this story fucking sucks to deal with. But go out and win games and shut everyone up about it. Asterisk or whatever, for the rest of the season go out and win, no one is going to be able to say they kept stealing signs after this. So go do it on the field. Yes this sucks, it is embarrassing, but also, I don't give a shit if they win. If the completely collapse and can't beat a pathetic penn state team, or the worst buckeyes team in 10 years, then it will damn sure look like the only reason they did beat them was the sign thing.
  10. Hate to agree with a buckeye... but for so many reasons, yes.
  11. I must be the biggest dumbass in history, because I don't understand how continuing the conversation regardless of the side runs interference. The conversation is still here. It isn't like I am posting old box scores or completely unrelated shit to get people to ignore the sign stealing saga. Fans support their team. This isn't the fucking cloak room, no one is carrying water for anyone.
  12. And you would have the exact opposite opinion if texas did this. It is why fan is short for fanatic.
  13. This is why it is no big deal to me. The Astros still have their World Series banner and their rings. IMO if it was a big deal the NCAA would do something about it. A token fine shows me that the NCAA feels about it the same way I do, not that big of a deal. The NCAA could have stopped situations like this from happening by allowing headsets in helmets at any point. The fact that they still haven't done it lends credence to the fact that they already said stealing signs was not a major competitive advantage
  14. What exactly is the problem? That I have a different opinion than you? Or that I am not going to let some random clickbait articles dictate the way I feel about something? I get that you are really high on your horse but serious question. Are you that sensitive that you can't stand someone to have a different opinion? Literally anyone who has said they didnt think this was a big deal you immediately attack with some bullshit about how great you are.
  15. Imagine being this butthurt because someone has a different opinion
  16. I honestly don't have a view right now. Everything reported is reported with 100% slant against Michigan, they are making it look as horrible as possible for clicks. Michigan can't respond so they have to just sit there and take it. I tend to lean that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Do I think it is that is is such a horrible ordeal that it is going to cost Michigan anything more than a fine, no.
  17. The rule is the rule. Staffers can't attend games. The staffer didn't attend games. I am sorry that offends people but pushing the limits of the rule seems to be pretty common. I guess we will see what the ncaa ultimately rules, but its a spirit of the law letter of the law situation.
  18. It would be hilarious for sure. The odds of it happening are 0% though.
  19. cool. When all else fails change the subject.
  20. you literally said a staffer went to games. What game is being played. You stated something that did not happen.
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