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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. I don't venture in to the recruiting section too much. I was pretty disappointed that both Black and DPJ left after last year. I was hoping having McCaffery throwing them the ball would be enough of an upgrade to convince them to stay. Instead one transferred out and the other went in the 6th round.. The #SheaDifference. I don't know enough about UT WRs but based on Black's talent I would expect him to be a day 1 starter on every team that isn't O$U, Bama or Clemson.
  2. He doesn't need a WR coach, he just needs a QB that can throw catch-able balls.
  3. You guys just got a good one in Tarik Black. Has had injury issues (broke both feet in different injuries back to back summers) but is a total stud. Will be rooting for him wearing the burnt orange this year. Having an actual QB to throw him the ball instead of Shea Patterson is going to do wonders for him.
  4. You guys just got a good one in Tarik Black. Has had injury issues (broke both feet in different injuries back to back summers) but is a total stud. Will be rooting for him wearing the burnt orange this year. Having an actual QB to throw him the ball instead of Shea Patterson is going to do wonders for him. https://www.burntorangenation.com/2020/4/28/21193985/tarik-black-graduate-transfer-texas-longhorns-football-michigan-wolverines
  5. Holy shit that is a great Youtube video.
  6. Really? I actually just looked it up and looks like as of 17 they are legal here as long as it is folding.
  7. I was able to grab a couple of these guys and bring them back from the sandbox. I have beat one of them to shit using it as a full utility knife and it still works perfectly. https://www.gerbergear.com/en-us/shop/knives/automatic/06-auto-tanto-serrated-30-000850
  8. Juicy

    sign language on tv

    She does Twista too. This one is solid.
  9. Except he wouldn't get the half a mil if he went to school.
  10. They must be built from different plastic up north (could be cross post from wives and stupid shit) last summer my wife took hot charcoal and dumped it in our outside trash can. Set everything inside it ablaze but the can didn't melt. I was shocked and thought to myself. Must be inflammable to prevent wives from burning their houses down.
  11. Exactly this, you would think that there would have been some sort of set up for this, not just lets wing it. It never had a chance to be great TV but in a time with no sports it could have been at least home run derby type entertainment. My guy Chauncey won but I still dont think I will tune in for the next round of this garbage.
  12. If they do play games in an empty stadium wouldn't teams prefer to have the games played in their practice facility? I know If the games start in January it would be a lot better for the Northern Schools to play in a dome than 0 degree days throughout the entire season. I just don't see any reason why they would have the charade of playing in an empty 100k seat stadium, when most of the practice facilities would have better fields on them.
  13. It definitely could use some more star power. Trey is decent but would love to see some big names throw down in this.
  14. Hey at least it is sports on TV. I have to go with my guy Chauncey Billups on this one . https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29013049/sources-chris-paul-trae-young-zach-lavine-expect-play-h-o-r-s-e-competition
  15. Juicy

    Rip Al Kaline

    MR TIGER. He was my dads favorite player and thus became mine. I wore number 6 in everything until my freshman year of high school when I switched it up to #19 for Stevie Y
  16. Unfortunately its an old school plywood floor, We looked at switching that to composite when they did the new carpet decided it wasnt worth the cost as we are probably going to upgrade in the next few years. Our lake is attached to some protected land so about 8 years ago they made it electric only. This boat was basically ghetto rigged into having a trolling motor attached to the throttle. We will get true electric with the next one so everything works as it is supposed to.
  17. Just got a call from our marina, they were putting a new floor on the pontoon while storing it this winter, was supposed to be delivered on the 13th (Its still cold in Michigan) they said they haven't finished the carpet and since the Shelter in place order prohibits boating they are shutting down all operations. So now we have a boat with an exposed floor sitting at the marina all summer (likely) and the one thing we were looking forward to in all of this is out. Disclaimer: We live on a private lake with no public access and the only people who were going to be on the boat would be the wife and I. So we were not being irresponsible just trying to find a way to enjoy the outdoors since it is the only thing we can do. I guess it will be swimming, Kayaking and paddle boarding this summer. Womp womp
  18. this is one of the better ones I have seen in awhile. Love when he just completely stops what he is doing and stares in the rearview while getting the knife
  19. https://twitter.com/JohnDeere/status/1244365541852082176?s=20 Apparently I dont know how to embed https://twitter.com/JohnDeere/status/1244365541852082176?s=20
  20. I can't believe the Rona got Joe Damn Diffie. I remember growing up I wanted to have hair like his. I ended up bald instead...
  21. There is a rumor up here that the B1G has already had discussions to kill the OOC schedule and run a 9 game Conference schedule with no bye weeks that would start October 3rd and finish the week the normal B1G conference championship game is played. I guess that means no conference championship game. I obviously want football but with no championship to be played whats the point (queue the Harbaugh can't find indy jokes)
  22. When you put it all together it is a really bad look. I am not sure what the hell happened with Shea, but Jimmy needs to find a real QB and needs to do it quickly. Hopefully Dylan is half as good as his brother was in college and can be the man the next few years.
  23. Doctor drop your drawers is a pretty rough nickname to have. It is insane that this seems to have been the norm in the 70-80s for a lot of major institutions. not a good look.
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