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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Juicy


    yeah I was actually thinking that john was going to sign over the area for the airport to the indians as his trump card, and then rainwater would end up fucking it up somehow and that would be season 4. This should be more interesting.
  2. Juicy


    Turkey Creek Johnson. Nice to see him getting some run stil.
  3. Juicy


    Also reading today it seems everyone has missed the fact that the cell phone stopped the bullet that would have hit John's heart. I keep hearing about John knowing there was no service because of the lady he was helping but it clearly showed a bullet indent and cracked screen on his phone.
  4. Juicy


    My wife is really fired up about the possibility of none of them dying. I tend to agree but I think in the end if they want to save some face that it is Jimmy that is dead and all the duttons survive. I am hoping for this because his storyline sucked asshole this season. I guess the whole point of setting up the who shot JR/JD angle was to give them some extra time to float ideas for who is going to work as the big bad next season. The Indians have motivation and now an apparent divide in the ranks. Market equities is operating in Montana like it is Yemen apparently, and Coach Yost, who is a hall of famer in my book, could have "liberated" Jamie by killing his family??? Seems the least likely is to be Yost/Jamie. I also can't imagine the Indians going after Kayce with how he has been helpful to them multiple times in the past, but they have proven to completely disregard any sort of cohesion in the story line. Jamie starts a redemption arc, finally gets the family to put him in power and then goes right back to Cersei to die in the tower. If I was an actor I would pass on any characters named Jamie in Television. Rant over. the show is what it is, a prime time soap opera a la Dallas and I Can't wait for next summers' season.
  5. Juicy


    I can't see them killing Beth as she is the only strong female character (aside from the Indian Attorney with 3 minutes of combined screen time) but either way I think it sets rip up to kill 1000 more men after the horse scene. Looks like Sheridan did this as a big fuck you to all the people who bitched at how tidy last season got wrapped up. Oh you want to complain, here is a quadruple cliffhanger of deaths for you to marinate on for a year.
  6. Juicy


    The Grind is real on the solstice armor pieces. I was able to get from 750 to 1000 pretty easily but now it is such a slog.
  7. Juicy


    My one complaint about this season (I enjoy it for what it is, new entertainment at a time we don't have much) is that it seems Sheridan has gotten himself into the same issue as last year, where the main arc has moved so slowly that tying a neat little bow during a 40ish minute season finale is going to seem rushed. As much as I hate the Rourke character, I would rather this plot roll into next season, than to be the shootout that was the demise of the beck brothers at multiple locations in a span of about 8 minutes last year. Alright one more complaint, what the fuck was the point of the bad ass indian chick? She has literally done nothing.
  8. Juicy


    When I saw the picture in Jamie's file I was like damn that's coach Yost. My wife was like from remember the titans no way. Then there he was.
  9. So you are telling me that all the areas that are currently doing so well with the virus, are going to figure out a way to save college football?
  10. THIS. The presidents voted to cancel the season with a conference wide policy on Covid/Testing, now they are going to approve playing in some hodgepodge wild west league that has to travel all over the country instead of regionally. Unlikely.
  11. The kid was 20 years old and his mom found the money and made him give it back, all those old bitties and nothing to show for it. What's worse, giving back 100k or having to tell your mom that you smashed all her old friends?
  12. The only reason for anyone to float out a "spring" season is to drag along the boosters, season ticket holders. We knew 2 months ago there would be no fall NCAA football but only now 3 weeks before games were going to start did any actual announcements come in. Will be the same thing, we will hear about an after Easter start date, everyone will get strung along and then Good Friday the conferences will be like actually nah.
  13. Harbaugh extended after Ohio State's eight year, and 17/20 year win streaks come to a decesive end. hell yeah, UofM not losing to O$U in 2020 is the only good thing to come out of this.
  14. I see you. Strange movie with Helen Hunt (who looks fucking odd and old these days) Worth the 90 minutes though.
  15. I would think the issue is that the chain ran dry of oil, causing sparks which then caught the tree on fire.
  16. Juicy


    Probably about the same time we found out what happened to Jamie's kid from last year. I don't understand why they have to introduce all these side plots. Like just fucking advance the story line. Its going to be the same shit as last year and the same shit as wind river, a crawling story that is great, but then abruptly ends with a pretty little bow in about 7.5 minutes.
  17. Well I knew this day was coming but it still sucks. Tomorrow this guy will cross the rainbow bridge just a little under 13 years is a hell of a run for a rottie. Still hurts like hell.
  18. You need to watch the clip after the first 30 seconds of credits.
  19. New York New Jersey and it isnt close.
  20. i missed half of last season, I think it was space archer, but could have been jungle archer. Trying to find in on streaming to slog through it.
  21. Juicy


    Same, I came in a little over 150k figured 500 a pop at bulk, $50 a horse seems a wee bit low.
  22. Juicy

    Fuck wearing a mask!

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