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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. he's the spitting image of thujone's figurelli
  2. forde's article spells it out without saying it..... bjork does what he's told and carries water as the "official" face of his employer at the time
  3. the ministry only speaks for ingsoc in football, absolutely in any other sport, zero fucks given
  4. assume you are talking about the jimbo contract, which happened before he got there, and with which he would have had nothing to do; same with the extension, and termination, those documents were prepared for him and he was a pass-through
  5. aggy found out about the move about 45 minutes before that spontaneous presser, and for 40 of those minutes sharpe was screaming and caterwauling at bjork over the phone because sharpe couldn't believe the deal had been cooking for 2 years and he had to attack somebody during the tirade sharpe freestyles the aggy response and texts zwerneman on their burner cells so bjork was a little rattled when he hung up from talkiebird and only had 30 seconds to digest his talking points handed to him by zwerneman
  6. fwiw bjork had zero to do with signing, extending, or firing jimbo the aggy AD does not make football decisions
  7. the official announcement was written by bjork's agent and is 50% bullshit and 25% outright fabrication no one in your echochamber will bother to fact-check it in arrears
  8. jortnation has no clue about aggy, how aggy 'functions' and who makes the decisions the big winners here are michigan & especially pedder bjork may be a reasonably competent AD but he will guarantee tosu does not move ahead of michigan and most likely opens the door for pedder to step up to the #2 pending how the pac teams adapt +++ there are 7 results googling "ross bjork" "texas nil law" https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q="ross+bjork"+"texas+nil+law" there are many pieces of great comedy in those results, but nothing i can find about the claim "Bjork helped guide leaders in the Texas legislature in the development of the new NIL law."
  9. the surl is cultivating a thujone "painting tree" which will move out through the sporting intertrons
  10. 12742 days ago, jones bought the team 11249 days ago, jimmy resigned 10228 days ago, the cows defeated green bay in the nfc title game at texas stadium *2 weeks later neil o'donnell was directed by the football gods to atone for various fuckery in X and XIII ++++ i'm not sure which "clock" is most relevant; would love to see crowdsourcing the cost of a billboard with a running clock, no text, just the number, and it goes up by 1 every day
  11. https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1qABA9Hc bastards started shutting off uverse with no notice forcing (extorting) an appointment to move to fiber to restore ALL @@ service including internet - no zooms for you motherfucker! welp they fucked themselves and uverse is now toast nationwide, all customers, not just the targeted fiber neighborhoods bastards
  12. katy and celina are rubarbs: rural suburbs they are rural towns that were over-run by the the suburbs as they expanded outward from a major city, but retain the trappings of the rural town they once were, including oversized lots, wanna-be farmers within adjacent subdivisions, and a disproportionate number of obscenely over-powered trucks that are never actually used for their natural applications the metropolitan formation along Texas Highway 6 is 15th in size in the state, between waco at 14 and tyler at 16: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Texas_metropolitan_areas what makes it different is it's the source for repopulating and seeding rubarbs it's the earth-version of a nebula: it's a placenta
  13. how do you decide which 22k tickets get cut to go to syracuse?
  14. excellent 2 games a day for 3 days love it
  15. you won't find a good argument around here running down the skeletor that said, sometimes the football gods intervene in earthly events; see: Ginas 2011 the karmic intersection of jimmy going in to the ring, the packers as the first playoff opponent, the shitbird's epic collapse the last 2 months all of it may not mean anything we shall see
  16. all of the moon stuff has been pushed back out of 24 but whatever last week's really cool news was the first ULA Vulcan launch on the first try in the first window the blue flame of methalox is really fucking cool the chinese beat spacex past the karman line with a methalox 4 months before the BFR 2 attempt but the Bezos Blue Origin BE-4 engines have been way way behind and for have them work this well on the first try is just totally unexpected the BE-4 engines are going power New Glenn and for them to work like this is so fucking cool https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Glenn
  17. in our case, it was the guy that replaced the guy that replaced the guy look at meatchicken it was the guy that replaced the guy that replaced the guy that replaced the guy
  18. aggy still have plenty of bags to hand out fortunately, corn dog, klan, pig, and klan aggy are circling the carcass
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