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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. houston cougars...... houston cougars...... houston cougars number 1 ....... houston cougars...... houston cougars...... houston cougars number 1 !!!!!! . . . . . .
  2. QE needs a clean pocket to run through progressions; as posted by someone else (take credit if you're reading) the 4th dimension unlocked for McCoy between 08 and 09 and he was accurate on the move and in a dirty pocket while reading his options. QE is not there yet, or has not shown he is there yet, as he still lacks accuracy deep on throws that have to be placed, even when stationary with a clean pocket. Sorry of the QE diversion, for me watching from home the game was won by the OL in the 3rd quarter when clearly there was a dramatic 100% improvement in the OL and QE was able to matriculate 3 TDs in a row.
  3. that was borderline red ball gone boot face high?
  4. defense allowed 3 non-garbage points all good there 1st half O-line was a horrid and couldn't keep the pocket clean for ewers 2nd half first drive clean pocket all the way down the field, and so on, and so on, 3 tds, game over
  5. it's great to see belmont play a song with lyrics about fucking at midnight screw PC
  6. i like it it's a better use of the down than giving the punter a try to go inside the 5
  7. welp we know carrot's range is probably about 50ish
  8. first drive of the 2nd half: clean pocket the whole way
  9. QE was 14 for 23 and by my count had a clean pocket on 6 of the 23 throws
  10. rice first half grade: zero point zero
  12. i will not miss playing in a league where 2/3rds of the teams change their helmet every fucking week
  13. it took 2 hours to get to 3rd quarter kick in fort worth tatona @ wiscy kicks at 230 on fs1 saratoga live running all afternoon on fs2 looks like it's fs2
  14. deliberate or accidental errors? i love the use of "OR" i hope it's deliberate and don't correct it before bammer
  15. sterling had 2 options to play through before he got in the box and forest collapsed on him very sterling
  16. sterling totally fucked that up and now turner has a chance for an extremely difficult clean sheet at the bridge
  17. is he wearing eyeliner? he looks like a racoon
  18. a transcript would be nice as well.... i can't watch a game and listen to an audio file at the same time....
  19. whatever happens will be carried on LHN and i would expect belmont to post it on youtube as well
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