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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. people that better not be in the first 7: roldan busio morris
  2. that's the only way busio is going to score in a nats kit
  3. like i said, if we lose we deserve to lose for playing inferior players in the wrong formation for 75 minutes
  4. if we lose we deserve to lose for playing inferior players in the wrong formation for 75 minutes
  5. welp we're going to score
  6. that's wrong - mihailovic is the supply for vasquez - we saw it against jamaica /facepalm
  7. hour gone gerg non-use of subs activate
  8. ------ Vazquez ------ Cowell --------- Fereirra ------ Mihailovic ------- whatever else you want behind these front four
  9. how the fuck is that not a foul THE THIRD TIME?
  10. 25 minute gone and we have industrial disease and there we get a corner the moment i start thinking about griping
  11. i still dont see any strategy to use their best weapon antonio is doubled in the prem so he only scored 5 in 33 appearances last season but in all appearances he scored 14 in 48 including 7 in 11 european appearances he's the best striker in concacaf he's got the bulk and strength to turn tri bitchass in the box, but not when he is tripled
  12. jamaica have no strategy to get antonio the ball in space and instead are making him have to create his own joy while doubled and tripled fix that, and they win don't, we go to kicks 0-0 aet
  13. fun game - of course, after watching mexico last night, it's a low bar
  14. must have been a dmca we should ask our mod who is the mod for futbol?
  15. it's good to see them struggle in this match the us fed typically schedules cupcake sendoffs (see: 1998 Steve Sampson's 3-6-1 v. Kuwait) wales are ranked 18 in uefa and were in the last 3 out after finishing 2nd in their group and winning a playoff game
  16. belarus v. ukraine in a tiebreak right now the ukranian was down 4-7 and just leveled
  17. i'm surprised other sec fanbases haven't picked up on this @aggypedia please memorialize - if you need help to capture and save the video independently please advise and i will search for a resource "can't march on their own"
  18. last night donovan said this move is a risk because if cp doesn't play he will have to go on loan somewhere to get minutes going in to '26
  19. re-written: p2p is still a problem but in the past 10 years mls owners finally decided to spend money on development academies so instead of 1 (Bradenton) we have "many" and several of very high quality, obviously FCD seems to be leading the pack
  20. they commented on it - entire field was purchased by concacaf a year ago from a company in georgia that has contracts with fifa, concacaf, etc. and a number of the rolls were accidentally caught in a thunderstorm (?) which made them look like shit
  21. flagstaff is interesting except the airport is barely served.... typically a single RJ on a 1-hour hop to PHX every day, except like for this next week where there are ZERO flights for a week at least st.george has some air service - AA 1x to/from dfw, AA 1x to/from phx, DL 2x to/from gslc and UA 1x to/from den sgu seems to have reach critical mass on air travel
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