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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by We’reTexas

  1. And you can be drinking Pliny in five minutes.
  2. I mean, he did a lot of damage to wine. The point system certainly helped consumers but was bad in the long run. LOL at decent Bordeaux under $50 these days because of it.
  3. What I mean is that the office was begun with the idea that associates would live in Dallas while doing Houston deals, so the idea wasn’t that the office needed to get a foothold in the Dallas legal market to thrive. Obviously that thinking evolved, but if you’re in Dallas or Austin you could get work from Houston, NYC or Chicago. Lots of firms opened up Austin offices during the pandemic for that reason. And yes I’m talking about corporate work. Outside of Chicago litigation doesn’t have much of a presence.
  4. KE Dallas was begun as an extension of Houston to recruit people who wanted to stay in Dallas, not a conventional satellite office. And with the COVID era all the offices are interconnected (there is now literally a SLC office that exists to service other offices). So I wouldn’t worry too much about that aspect.
  5. Between Teedy’s “We are a city that floods” shrug off of the pipe system and no trash pickup for a month after Ida, I fear NOLA may be first with rate of coastal erosion. Current run to reclaim murder capital for the first time since Cash Money brought in the ‘99-2000s ain’t helping either.
  6. ‘99 Clos Saron cab imo. Actually Renaissance vineyards, but the winemaker escaped the cult and kept some barrels. Prob slightly past peak but an opportunity to taste California history for less than $80.
  7. Oh I’m with you, just given GQP messaging I don’t know how he would overcome the California baggage. As @Sbbruin mentioned, he’d be portrayed as the poster child of failed progressive politics, even though as you’re well aware in SF he was staunchly in the moderate wing and was basically viewed by the DSA/progressive crowd as a Republican. I can’t even imagine how absurd a Newsom/Trump general would be.
  8. All joking aside, it takes several weeks of training for crews and support personnel as well, so it sounds like it’s a complex process to scale quickly. I did see one Ukrainian official tweeting an ammo dump strike and exclaiming they had “passed the test”, so was curious if there’s an effort by the Ukrainians to pressure the US to speed things up.
  9. I think that’s the disconnect folks were pointing out. The conventional wisdom may be “the best time to buy is now” or “you can always refinance”, but the increase in interest rates has put many homebuyers in a position where they can now only afford a house that may not meet their long term, or even immediate, needs. And of course, folks are going to weary of going house poor while speculating that rates will go down in the future. It just makes the personal calculus more complicated. In my market , a jump from 3% to 6% interest rates raised average monthly mortgage payments $2,100, while the average rent/monthly payment ratio remained around 30-40% (and CA has rent control). It’s not about timing the market, it’s the complication of timing the best personal decision for you.
  10. Folks on r/CombatFootage were arguing that the real constraint on HIMARS was the Ukrainians’ ability to handle the logistics of the supply chain, which is why we began with four. I don’t know shit about fuck though so would be interested in hearing from someone with knowledge.
  11. Yeah many of the beach areas/islands are Mexico for Australians. I did enjoy Ko Lanta, though, which had a sleepier feel and, being predominantly Muslim, was culturally different from the rest of Thailand.
  12. We tend to go to Saba since I couldn’t help but side with (Alon) Shaya after the breakup, but Shaya is still excellent. It’s just a shame Besh blew everything up, since Shaya in the period after their first James Beard nom had the best energy I’d ever seen in a NO restaurant besides maybe TW after their Bon Appetit award or Saffron now. BTW, the Saffron family is opening a new restaurant across the street.
  13. Hell yeah, usually around 62-64 in the summer for me.
  14. I’m sure the advice she was given was to plead guilty and confess to get a lesser sentence since she’d be convicted regardless. I’m inclined to think she was carrying, but her confession doesn’t really mean anything to me.
  15. Hell, Jerry Brown is one of the finest statesman in US history. Just finished “The Browns of California” by Miriam Pawell and highly recommend it if you’re into CA history, btw. I see Newsom’s narrative as something like Tommy Carccetti’s from The Wire. Young, douchey ambitious guy who gets into politics for all the wrong reasons (which is to say, the usual ones) and through age, experience and quite a bit of public embarrassment matures to recognize the gravity of his public service. I genuinely think he’s a good guy. You’ll hear stories around SF about his hooker and blows days when he was mayor, and while they may very well be apocryphal folks agree that would have been on brand at the time. But nowadays I’ve also seen him doing unannounced cleanups in the Tenderloin, and by all accounts he does it just for the sake of it. I think he feels strongly in his need to carry on Brown’s progress to lead the world’s 5th largest economy and address inequality, climate change and the housing crisis, but can’t help but ponder how he could fill in the vacuum in Dem leadership. But a rich white guy from California who checks all the limousine liberal boxes and used to have a coke/Guilfoyle problem? I mean I think he’d be great personally but c’mon.
  16. Eh, I tend to believe his claim that he’s less than zero percent interested.
  17. Saffron is outstanding. Brothers III as well.
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