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Everything posted by Gooby

  1. Gooby

    Led Zeppelin

    https://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs-sunday-morning/video/2316801960/led-zeppelin-for-the-record/ This one's kinda laid back
  2. Does the news usually run 10 minutes deep into the Ward show or is there a link I need to click on to hear Jeff?
  3. Yeah, I just don't think that account is funny.
  4. Motherfucker sure tweets a lot for someone who owes me $1,200.00
  5. Or something about putting wee wee in her Coke.
  6. The correspondents are going to destroy her...IF she can ever be bothered to give a briefing
  7. You have GOT to be shitting me
  8. What an idiot. Everyone knows that, for pandemic advice, your first call should be to Dennis Eckersley.
  9. Tough tits. Bootstraps, Donnie.
  10. Italy has surpassed China in the number of deaths to due to Covid19. Shouldn't it be the Italian Virus now?
  11. Get what job done? WTF is he talking about?
  12. The bitch at the end of this video who "doesn't believe anything the Democrats say" should be the poster child for these dumbfucks dying. Admit her to the hospital with symptoms, then refuse to treat her because, "well...you don't have anything, according to you."
  13. Yes, let's bring back Sunset Boulevard...the story of an aging starlet who is slowly losing her grip on reality. Seems like something Donald can relate to.
  14. Gooby

    Led Zeppelin

    And this outstanding version of Kashmir from the same special
  15. Gooby

    Led Zeppelin

    From the Page/Plant No Quarter special on MTV, circa 1994 The knowing nod that Robert gives Jimmy at the end says it all...he knows that JP fucking nailed it.
  16. Ivanka better watch out. Hope hicks has fucked everyone she's worked with in the WH.
  17. Fucking A, I about fell out of my chair laughing at this
  18. Saturday night on Fox News. That's where all the big news gets broken.
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