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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. I'm not even on the stupid part of the dunning-kruger curve when it comes to ag but I think nitrogen used in fertilizer is kind of a big problem? Or, it's a much worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, although even just from a quick google it looks like it may be pound for pound worse but accounts for far less than carbon dioxide. Either way, that's a thing too. I'd be interested if an @Al_4_ISU could comment generally (sorry to tag you buddy although actually I am interested) but I think generally there are a lot of farmers who are interested in adopting more "green" practices when it comes to stuff like cycling and fertilizing and what have you but the in general (and especially one with as... complicated of a landscape of regulation and incentivization/etc) there needs to be policy that helps support those kinds of choices economically. I know there's a lot of incentives around carbon intensity in ethanol production (which I think is state by state and California leading the charge) but I'm not sure how well that trickles back to the "planting crops" phase of decision making. Again, I know just enough to be incredibly stupid on this topic but am curious about it.
  2. My interpretation of this conversation is that troph was complaining about the same attitude that I'm talking about now - people laughing at the futility/hypocrisy/etc of folks who are trying to do better as a way to deal with their own cognitive dissonance around not trying to help at all. I'm not going back to analyze the exchange because I'm getting sucked into reply/reply/reply thing here that I'm not trying to do but I clocked that as frustration and not defensiveness.
  3. Literally everyone is hypocritical. A particularly stupid lie that many people tell themselves is that it is better to accept bad than to try and do good and often fall short.
  4. we left the state and i still kept my subscription to the Observer. That shit is important and meaningful, I need to find the NC version.
  5. cool buddy, hope you feel smart and good about yourself, which is your underlying goal every time you engage in this specifically stupid genre of slorching
  6. is the guy who points and laughs at the dude with the bb gun brave, smart, and improving the situation in any way at all?
  7. and that is why it is stupid to try and do better
  8. Inglewood is always up to no good.
  9. You could have stopped in Central America to grow up on your way to Texas.
  10. now I get your username We could do way better, I shouldn’t really judge, but I see the land cows loading up pallets of plastic water bottles up on their carts at Costco and I do judge. All the fucking gas to drive a bunch of water all over the place too, goddamn. tell you what isn’t saving the fucking planet - letting the yellow mellow. Flush the damn toilet.
  11. it's so bitchassed for hiring folks to do that. if they don't understand how much that sucks for people they are unqualified for their job and if they do understand and don't follow up anyways they are pieces of shit.
  12. i took a texas history class at UT and the prof had us read that book. not a single test question/essay or assignment that had us verify that we completed the book or provide any analysis of its content at all, and I was kinda pissed off at the time. But also, that is one of the most impactful books about Texas that I have read and Nate Blakeslee is a badass. As is that Blackburn guy - looks like he died this year. Rest in peace you badass. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/jeff-blackburn-innocence-project-texas-obituary/
  13. Always this big “WTF” when her outgoing mail gets ruined and yet there it is again
  14. Yeah I would unapologetically enjoy Jade Bird, as well as Gin Blossoms. I grew up in the 90s and lived near the Woodlands Pavilion. I had many an opportunity to see Dave Matthews Band, and I probably did see them 3 times in my teens. It’s not my thing, I’m on board with making fun of them, dookie in the river is funny, they were always great live and they had some good songs. I have one of those “dad is trying to be a good dad” memories of my dad winding up with some free tickets, surprising me after school, sweating his ass off bringing nachos up the hill, probably right around when he bought me my first guitar. Which I took out the other day and played for a bit, still a great guitar (Martin DM) that holds its own with my other more expensive Martins.
  15. i don't know how this story occupied a long unused fold in a dark corner of my brain, but it did and likely was from the shaggy days? I'm not sure if this originally came from aggy, but that is where i found it just now
  16. I mean if this is a thread about toxic explosions that has devolved into all you can eat buffet talk....
  17. honestly i'd have a good time on saturday too. wouldn't admit it but i'd stick around for DMB and enjoy doing it.
  18. is this going to impact my consumption of meat pastries in any way?
  19. rolled up and voted against all the GOP candidates this morning. lol including one named "Faith Cross"
  20. I’m a little antsy. Was on a solid uninterrupted streak (a few 15 burpee days in there but still) and then we had a trip to New York where I missed them. I think I’m projected to finish mid December (I’m at 8555, plus another 20 I just did) but we’re having a baby in mid-early December. So, bumping up to 40/day, maybe sometimes 60 (sets of 20). Gotta get this wrapped up.
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