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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. I guess it goes without saying that you root for Mr Hand in Fast Times, too.
  2. That's where I am. We've all seen shit like this before, but that last game broke something in my brain.
  3. That's just flat-out a load of shit.
  4. They're the second thing I'd do. The first is "two chicks at the same time."
  5. I remember Wood starting both games of a DH when I was a kid, which was an absolute fucking boss move. He'd also pitch frequently on 1 day's rest, so a team might see him twice in a 3-game series. Must've been fun to be his manager...
  6. I was sure that the final 40 minutes were going to be filled in with "The Orange Idiot" pardoning Roy and him coming after Dot's family.
  7. It was weird how they wrapped it up in about 20 minutes. I did not expect that they would use the other 40 having the sineater over for chili, but then again, I'm not as nice as Dot and Wayne.
  8. That ain't it. They had to shut the basketball team down early last year and fire the entire coaching staff because of all the rape, murder, arson, and rape that was being perpetrated by the team, so they most definitely did not have an impressive and strong record of success in athletics, in the classroom and throughout the community.
  9. It's what's for dinner.
  10. I wish I had a dollar for every time HS me said, "Sometimes you've just gotta say 'What the fuck?'"
  11. Wife's painting the laundry room for some stupid reason, even though we're going to have the whole house painted in about 3 months. I'm lying on the couch, under the blanket, watching football with the dog lying next to me. Her: Can you come in here when there's a break? Me: No, I'm not going to get up and give you my opinion of how the laundry room looks. Her: Why? Me: Because I don't care and I'm extremely comfortable here. Her: blahblahblah I want to know if it needs another coat of paint! Me: You're the painter! You decide! Her: But I need another pair of eyes! <I get up and go look> Me: I think it looks fine... Her: <pause> I'm going to put another coat on it.
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's the greatest thing I've ever seen!
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