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Woodrow Call

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Everything posted by Woodrow Call

  1. Obama did well across most demographics, but he obviously did well in the black community pushing that vote up a couple of percentage points. It seems the black community was far less enthusiastic about Biden, especially black males.
  2. Yeah, big difference with this new staff. Same players except for Franks. Not a lot of talent, but well coached.
  3. Remember all those flies in The Amityville Horror? They're back.
  4. I gotta hand it to Mike Pence. To attempt to portray your administration as one that embraces science takes huge balls. It's akin to Hugh Hefner claiming he's all about monogamy.
  5. I'm pretty sure Pence can't enter your home unless he's invited.
  6. I'm surprised Pence is willing to be on stage with two women but without "momma" by his side.
  7. Agreed. I always had Koufax as my game one starter and Gibson as my game seven starter on my all-time team. Gibson was one of a kind.
  8. She's kinda hot. I'd fuck her a couple of times.
  9. Coman has redeemed himself. Creating chances and taking care of business. I didn't think he played very well in the first.
  10. Muller's been a ghost. Coman and Davies are playing poorly. Perisic will be on the 2nd.
  11. PSG marking very closely. Trying to disrupt Bayern's rhythm.
  12. Grilling some brats, have some Paulaner ready and my Bayern flag is flying.
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