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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. That's offensive to 10 year olds. They have basic understanding of why bullying and lying is wrong. I wouldn't go beyond age 2.
  2. I haven't kept the saga of the trump lawyers straight. But is Christina Bobb still representing him? Because she's clearly disqualified now as she's either a coconspirator to obstruction of justice or at best (for her) a witness against her client for obstruction of justice and espionage.
  3. No. I've never seen a lawyer sign a document as the "custodian of records" in the first instance. That's just odd. And I have never signed off on whether complete documents have been produced--my client does that. And that's for legitimate organizations who aren't criming all over the place headed by pathological liars. First, I would never certify to anything I don't have personal knowledge of. I have no way of knowing whether a complete response has been produced. Someone who works with those records specifically and has actual knowledge that complete records were produced has to sign off. Second, if there was something not produced, and in my case it would almost certainly be an inadvertent error and not something like trump is doing, it would turn me into a witness against my own client. I would have to testify as to why I signed off on completeness when it wasn't complete, whether I lied, who misled me, etc.
  4. So was the reporting wrong that trump's lawyer signed the certification that the subpoena was complied with? This was signed by the "custodian of records," which shouldn't be the lawyer. Although these are the same geniuses who filed the brilliant motion for a special master, so who the fuck knows.
  5. Notwithstanding counsel’s representation on June 3, 2022, that materials from the White House were only located in the Storage Room, classified documents were found in both the Storage Room and in the former President’s office. Moreover, the search cast serious doubt on the claim in the certification (and now in the Motion) that there had been “a diligent search” for records responsive to the grand jury subpoena. In the storage room alone, FBI agents found 76 documents bearing classification markings. All of the classified documents seized in the August 8 search have been segregated from the rest of the seized documents and are being separately maintained and stored in accordance with appropriate procedures for handling and storing classified information. That the FBI, in a matter of hours, recovered twice as many documents with classification markings as the “diligent search” that the former President’s counsel and other representatives had weeks to perform calls into serious question the representations made in the June 3 certification and casts doubt on the extent of cooperation in this matter.
  6. We could go back to the prior six years of trump threads, and the number of posts about the latest tweet being unhinged, scared, etc. He's a blob of incoherent rage and has been for years, if not his whole life. Heather Heyer says hi. Also the Maryland Capital Gazzete shooting of journalists.
  7. To slow things down until the GQP retakes the House in January and defunds the investigation.
  8. This. I've been seeing tons of frivolous filings baselessly accusing people of misconduct. Just shit flinging everywhere, and acting like this is a normal part of litigation, and then reveling in their shit flinging. And then acting surprised when the other side is fed up with you.
  9. Would the warrant execution team be looking at every document? Would they even necessarily have had clearance to do so if there were for example nuclear secrets in those documents? I’m not sure if the answers, but if trump stored 11 boxes worth of government documents along with some of his personal crap, couldn’t the personal stuff including passports been inadvertently boxed up given that there were 11 boxes of documents that hadn’t been reviewed yet.
  10. I don’t care about the passport. It’s a sideshow. I care that dotard was storing highly classified documents with his personal crap. And that maybe he was giving those highly classified documents to foreign adversaries. Perhaps why he had his passport with them. The rest is an irrelevant sideshow to detract from a former so called presidents selling out the nation and fomenting violence
  11. I always love representing clients who lie so much I wouldn’t believe them if they said the sky was blue and also don’t pay their bills.
  12. They seized 3 passports and 2 were expired. You dont inadvertently seize passports unless they were found with the many reams of documents properly taken
  13. If true, that’s worse for trump and what a fucking moron for screaming it to the world. So they took passports stored with classified probably nuclear secrets trump may have been selling to foreign enemies.
  14. Also, isn't dotard in NY or NJ. How the hell would he know his passports were taken from FL? The demented asshole probably just lost them.
  15. It certainly seems like they're pursuing and indictment, and not just trying to get the records back.
  16. Does anyone know if polio vaccine is still effective decades later?
  17. For what it's worth, I have a new work phone and the number must have belonged to a GQPer before, and I typically get tons of obnoxious fundraising texts. Usually from Mike Pence. And radio silence this weekend. They're still figuring out their talking points I guess.
  18. Probably not many if any left wherever they were stationed to riot. But a significant number of radicalized trumpers are still in the military. And what happens when violence breaks out and the National Guard is called in to keep the peace? Or if the GQP is back in power to "keep the peace"?
  19. Agreed in terms of numbers. They've peeled off a lot of the people who went along with racism for a perceived tax cut. But the ones who are left are louder and more violent and more disconnected from reality. And they're still a significant percentage of our population. His base is lesser in number, but these are people, who are not rational. Yes, they get upset by the most minor inconvenience (see face masks during a global pandemic), but they're also radicalized, and at this point since they're a-ok with treason, nothing is going to persuade them back to reality.
  20. https://www.npr.org/2021/01/21/958915267/nearly-one-in-five-defendants-in-capitol-riot-cases-served-in-the-military
  21. There was more political violence that erupted in the 60s than has yet in the 2020s. But right now we have a radicalized 30% of so of the population that is living in entire alternate reality where truth can't invade. And that radicalized 30% has a majority of the SCOTUS, state houses, local police forces, and maybe the military. We have evidence the former president is a traitor to the nation, and his supporters are out there defending him, based on nonsense excuses that have changed multiple times in less days. I posted, I think on the old site, the first time I saw someone raise a Trump flag, how scary that was, and different from normal politics as he was amassing a cult. And was told by multiple people I was overreacting. I'd like to be wrong now.
  22. Laws are words on pieces of paper. I think the lesson here is it doesn't matter what the law says. It matters if the people in power are good faith actors. The GQP clearly is not, and regardless of words in books, will ignore, circumvent, and raise up a mob against the rule of law.
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