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Everything posted by DallasHorn26

  1. DallasHorn26

    Dallas | BBQ

    I was in a meat coma and definitely did not think that through.
  2. DallasHorn26

    Dallas | BBQ

    Tried the smoke bologna for the first time. Was pretty good.
  3. DallasHorn26

    Dallas | BBQ

    Nah. Just a big red.
  4. DallasHorn26

    Dallas | BBQ

    Cattleack never fails to disappoint. Went yesterday for the first time in almost two years.
  5. Decided to give this a try as a starting point with a quarterly sub. I got a bonus wheel spin for an extra $20 to get started. The wheel spin basically allows you to load it with select watches and you get the one you land on. The Elevon was the bonus watch from what I see it retails for $120, the JA Mcabe was my random sub watch that came today. Can't find an exact retail but I found a site that says 650gbp. I highly doubt that much. Either way I'm happy with what I got for $120. may keep this for a couple of quarters just to jump start my collection.
  6. Where do you guys print pictures? I have some shots my stepdad took of my kids I want to print and would like something higher quality than say Walgreens or CVS.
  7. Anyone tried one of the subscription services like watchgang? I have nothing right now, but used to enjoy wearing one when I was younger. Thinking about doing a quarterly sub just to build a small collection.
  8. I originally filed with them April 22. They denied me initially because I was terminated due to misconduct. I was very surprised when they overturned the decision. This stuff is definitely much better to deal with sober. I'm so glad I am today.
  9. So today is day 60 for me. It's amazing how things seem to fall into place when I let go of control and self direction and not worry about tomorrow. I left rehab 30 days ago without a pot to piss in and started delivering for Amazon to keep myself fed. This week, I got a job offer that comes with a 10% increase over my last role. Then yesterday, I found out TWC ruled in my favor on my unemployment appeal. I will shortly be receiving 8 weeks of backdated benefits with the federal covid kicker. Sent from my moto g(7) optimo (XT1952DL) using Tapatalk
  10. Is there anyone here familiar with the unemployment process and the appeal hearing? If so,would you please shoot me a PM. Thought I'd as here first instead of CYHM since it's a result of my disease. Thanks. It ultimately boiled down to attendance issues and poor performance. I had seen a psych previously for alcoholism, but never disclosed to my employer, if that matters or not. At this point, I've been offered a new role, just looking to see if there was a possibility with this upcoming appeal phone hearing to swing it my way and receive back pay. Sent from my moto g(7) optimo (XT1952DL) using Tapatalk
  11. Is there anyone here familiar with the unemployment process and the appeal hearing? If so,would you please shoot me a PM. Thought I'd as here first instead of CYHM since it's a result of my disease. Sent from my moto g(7) optimo (XT1952DL) using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks man. I've definitely enjoyed you're posts over the years. Sent from my moto g(7) optimo (XT1952DL) using Tapatalk
  13. I'm really not posting for any reason, but to share, cause I find it helps me. I've posted here in the past and have lurked for a while. I've known for a long time I needed to be here, but wasn't fully ready. Last month, I was canned from work. Just one of many things I've destructed because of this disease. It was finally the thing that took me there. Within 5 days if that, I cleared out my apartment, out my belongings in storage and checked into residential treatment. I've attended meetings in the past but never fully committed to the program or realized the beauty of it and the big book. I left rehab this week and checked into a sober house. I'm jobless, near broke, with no income coming in, and falling behind on my child support, but I'm sober, I have my dog with me, I've reconnected to my higher power, am the happiest I've been in years. This is the first time I've committed fully to the program and had a sponsor and it feels so different this time. Anyhow, I'm rambling now, but I'm glad to be here.
  14. I had never seen this on its first run. I started binging last week and am up to season 4. I can’t binge it all day, but a few hours at a time is great. This show is brilliant.
  15. Thank you. That was fun. Looking forward to it again.
  16. Will be joining tonight as well.
  17. Everyone else still getting the error message in the portal?
  18. Same. I haven’t filed 19 yet as I owe. I owed in 18 too, but my agi was enough to get a payment. So I held off filing, especially with the extension. Been trying the portal all day with no success.
  19. https://mobile.twitter.com/AnneWheaton/status/1245401292362502144?s=07 Cabinet door talk not going away
  20. Bullzerk is always on top of it.
  21. You can get it insured. I took over the payments on my Mom's car, my name was not on the note, but I had it insured in my name. I just had to have her listed as a driver on the policy, it didn't cost any extra to do so.
  22. I got to go cocktails from rodeo goat and hopdoddy delivered with Uber eats the other day. I don’t know that tabc actually as a restriction.
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