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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. You can eat a burger without japs? News to me.
  2. I meant Jade’s but if y’all actually want to eat then yeah
  3. I won’t make it to the tailgate but there’s a good chili recipe and pic floating around here somewhere.
  4. Luna is crying knowing it’s time to go home. Catch you next time.
  5. Going in it was 800 dollar tab and 200 tip. We didn’t quite reach 800 but I still gave them 200. They did a really good job. I spoke to immamac not too long after the game while he was having fun shit talking OU fans at the fair and he was good with it. Glad y’all were all there for the asskicking.
  6. And yes, we watched that game the whole time instead of ours. Did we win?
  7. Yeah when I was having a hard time getting the tab opened I finally told one of the girls, “look, we’re from the internet. I need to speak to your manager.” It made her laugh and I guess it worked.
  8. You tried. 2guests. I think you drank everything on there except you left a soda for the rest of us to split up. Nice meeting you buddy.
  9. I’ll be on the road by 6 so should easily be there before 10:30. Will grab as many tables as we can on the back patio. I’ll have a BurntEndz koozie. @BornAndRaised sent my my number just in case.
  10. Good to know maybe things are getting back to more normal. Haven’t been there in months so I guess it’s time for a few margaritas and fajitas.
  11. Last night? Weekdays aren’t an issue in the off-season except maybe fajita night or at Venetian.
  12. Luna’s like dude, how fucking far out of town are we?
  13. Unfortunately I have to go a family wedding after this so I really can’t drink during the game. I’m assuming the tab will still be open when I get back downtown at 10
  14. Take it that means they are opening at 10:30? I’ll be there before that. Where do y’all assholes want to sit? I was there a few weeks go but really didn’t pay attention to the tv layout. Seems like they had good ones out back on the patio?
  15. I had that exact combo about 2 weeks ago. Zero side effects but I didn’t feel bad after my 3rd shot either. The only one that was bad for me was shot #2.
  16. Easily. Despite some comments made on that thread nobody is watching that fish once it’s iced down and in the cockpit. Someone might check on it once an hour.
  17. The boats are insured. You can’t get in a slip in a marina without it. Some will require you to attempt to move the boat out of the way of a named storm.
  18. I’ve seen your bar tabs. That’s not gonna cover it.
  19. Small world. I assume you are talking about Wayne Sr. I don’t see them much anymore since we moved our boat to CR but Marlin Magic used to be in the slip next to me when we had the boat here in the city marina. A few years after that incident most of their crew was fishing with me on my boat in POCO. It got cancelled due to weather so Wayne Jr, Jordan, and a few of my guys jumped on a plane and flew to CR to fish the FADs . I think we caught 9 blues on a day trip the first day. If POCO hadn’t been cancelled and I had not been on that trip I’m not sure I would have moved my boat. Funny how things work. And we never did get our entry fee back. That was the beginning of the end for POCO a lot of people were really pissed off.
  20. Oh, and the Freeman shit was a mate pumping like 3 gallons of water into the marlin whiie they were running into the scales. There’s a LONG thread about it on thehulltruth
  21. I’ll head up there after lunch and save us a table. I’m pretty sure I can make it till Thursday night. Bring food though. We almost got an OU sucks chant going there last night. I did manage to get a strong Hook ‘em out of the guitar player.
  22. That ‘12 POCO thing was pretty good friends of mine out of Port A. They were fishing a center console and landed what would have been the winning fish so worth well over 500,000. Details are a little hazy but I think it was the only kill fish that year. Anyway, they got the marlin to the boat and stuck it with the flying gaff. Fish went nuts, pulled the gaff out and the leader also broke or maybe the hook just pulled. Fish is gone. Minutes later while they go back to fishing and are crying about it the fish pops back up near the boat so they drive over to it and bring it in the boat. I can’t recall if they self-reported or if another boat saw it happen and turned them in. Per IGFA rules that would have been a catch if they were just trying to release it since they had the leader but since they were trying to boat it it’s a DQ for losing control of the fish.
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