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NorLa Horns

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NorLa Horns

  1. 315 5 reps was my last set on the bench at 205 lbs at age 20. Meh.
  2. After reading this, i realized one thing. I'll never get the time it took to read this back. Ever.
  3. Hey. Did you know Texas didnt even offer Charlie Brewer?
  4. Gabe sure is quick. Hope he can play. Looks like a difference maker.
  5. So FCB tweeted that he missed his mom yesterday. Do We have any proof that she suicided because FCB was her kid?
  6. I meant to squeeze in a " you cant destroy me " but im drunk.
  7. Normal dude sitting in his skid row motel. smoking a little rock. says "fuck that court order, i wanna see my kids" Goes to school. principal says" I'm sorry sir. We have a court order saying..." Normal dude " naw thats bullshit! I just wanna see my kids " Principal " im sorry, sir. Youll need to leavenor we will have to call the cops " Normal guy " ok. Guess ill need to talk to my lawyer about this " Psycho crack dude " fuck you! Your laws dont mean shit to me! You are a Tom Herman lackey!!!"
  8. Getting serious carpal tunnel from laxk of commitment hand wringing
  9. I was about to poopoo on Natchez. but they have pretty good football facilities. And with the gambling boat and the touristy stuff, they have the hotels and other stuff to support a pretty nice camp. Eat at The Magnolia Grill Under the Hill.
  10. This deserves an upvote. But yall gotta share.
  11. Day drinking hot take. I think that Yarnell kid will beat out "small hands" Card this year.
  12. Its 8am and no commitments yet. Time to start drinking
  13. Listen dude. Im not an EJ hater. But i think its a hell of a coincidence that just after he starts doing this other 7 on 7 stuff he gets sideways with 247. And you cant say EJ is handling this correctly/professionally. Whether he was outright fired for taking the outside work, or he got sand in his vagina and quit, hes making it obvious there was a problem and there seems to be bad blood . On EJs part at least. So deny these scenarios all you like, because the facts dont fit the " he just decided to move on" idea.
  14. 4.2 mph wind. 2.4 mph is considered wind-aided Unless the wind was just in his lane, i dont think it was a factor. He has a hell of a lead.
  15. FCB needs to keep Mike Roach's name out his mouth.
  16. We need a sub topic for your sub topic ......crap. they dont have the infinity symbol on my phone.
  17. 7 on 7 game EJ was playing did piss off 247.
  18. While making Mike Roach full time seems like a no brainer, and he did kind of address this in the last podcast they did. I dont know if he'd step away from the full time gig hes got. it sounds like a solid money situation and I dont think 247 has the bank to move the needle.
  19. Poor co-eds. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
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