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NorLa Horns

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NorLa Horns

  1. Hes been collaborating with Carl, on how to walk the line between being a total asshole. And a crowsourceable asshole. Sadly for Maildouche, Carl gets easily distracted by big booty hood rats.
  2. Aggy so good, they don't need the whole field, ya stupid sip.
  3. They are giving Gbenda the reps to give him the chance. But its basically a lure to keep him out of the portal to secure needed experienced depth. Once the season starts, you wont see him barring injury.
  4. Absolutely no chance its because their OL coach is a psychotic asshat. Zero. Nada.
  5. Can they go 2 years in a row without a marquee QB in this market? Yes, please
  6. I thought dude was deadbor in jail or something. Hadnt heard from him in forever.
  7. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things doesn't belong. And i havent even vid. Lol watched the
  8. Im usually ok with topic derailments. Chicken fried steak, cheese puns, boobs. All good. But MF, Dont bring fucking mens soccer in here!
  9. IT reported last week that Modden was told he was a CB take for Texas. And he was ok with that. TFB hitting that OB level of informed.
  10. yeah. I'm thinking Bo is in the quality of life phase. he wants to win, but putting up with HC like Kelley and Saban is a pretty big ask
  11. then all it takes is an opposing coach to use an effective gameplan to shut down our advantages. Then Esteban is fucking lost. Midgame adjustments? Wassat?
  12. Aggy influence is ever growing. They are branching out into bailbonds now.
  13. Spelling and proper grammar is racist anyway. I seent it on the intranets
  14. Voted most likely to violate your civil rights at a traffic stop
  15. So, you are saying an outfit that bases much of its ranking on whether the kids showed up at their camps has less influence than companies that actually go see the kids and analyze tape? Wow. Crazy
  16. The question has probably already been asked. But... When/if LHN goes away, where would the Texas spring game be televised?
  17. Bourbon. I only drink beer in social situations. Because bourbon makes me not proofread posts and believe my mom when she said i was the most handsome boy ever.
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