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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Wonder why similarly situated posters are bragging about this?
  2. Not sure where “are” came from.
  3. Nikki Haley are trying to raise hell about this but I don’t think it will matter.
  4. Trump PACs spent an estimated $50 million of donor money on attorney fees and related expenses in 2023: report https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-supporting-pacs-paid-50-million-to-his-attorneys-2023-2024-1
  5. Didn’t Abbott and the GOP just outlaw equity in Texas?
  6. Trump is a mafia boss. The SCOTX justices are his capos.
  7. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/280473/butter-swim-biscuits/
  8. I’d be skittish about going to the Tech well yet again. Hasn’t turned out well for Texas so far.
  9. I really wish this was AI generated but it’s not. These people vote:
  10. Are things really that bad for all of the aggy faithful who are pushing for the session? One minute they’re bragging about how much money they have and the minute they’re talking about how oppressed they are.
  11. These people who are chopping at the bit for Texit or a Civil War have so romanticized the world idea that they believe it will be fun fighting. They fail to understand it will resemble The Troubles in Northern Ireland, where one’s teenage daughter will be blown up in Mall while hanging out with friends.
  12. But eggs are still $5 a dozen at Tom Thumb. So, there.
  13. I’m really amazed at how ageism, along with every other ugly thing in our culture, has been normalized. We’re far removed from the time when younger people would pad their midsections so the girth would give them the appearance of age and wisdom. If Biden were 61 instead of 81, based on what we’ve seen so far, would being younger make him a more effective president, I even if we control for the physical decline that comes with aging?
  14. Posted on DirtBurglars today at 3:01p “Tech fans louder than OU fans lol”
  15. This might be a good time to note the the decedent was originally sentenced to life without parole by a jury of his peers but the judge overruled the jury and decided he needed killing.
  16. Republicans are unserious about border solutions: https://www.yahoo.com/news/senate-deal-border-ukraine-risk-193955679.html A bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures and Ukraine aid faced potential collapse Thursday as Senate Republicans grew increasingly wary of an election-year compromise that Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, seems likely to oppose. Senate negotiators have been striving for weeks to finish a carefully negotiated compromise on border and immigration policy that is meant to tamp down the number of migrants who come to the U.S. border with Mexico. But now that negotiations have dragged for weeks, election-year politics and demands from Trump are weighing it down.
  17. Most GOP primary voters in NH say Trump would be fit for White House if convicted: Exit polling https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4426058-most-new-hampshire-gop-primary-voters-trump-white-house-convicted-exit-polling/
  18. We came very close in 1969: https://www.history.com/news/electoral-college-nearly-abolished-thurmond
  19. When slave patrols and slave catchers would go on the prowl, they would bring along a happy, submissive Negro along to help ensnare escaping runaways. They paid him in butter biscuits. The moral of the story for Tim and others like him is don’t be a butter biscuit.
  20. Something must be said about the embarrassing behavior of Tim Scott that has gone far beyond the usual parody normally associated with him. From quoting Fannie Lou Hamer in relation to virtues of Donald Trump to shamelessly buck dancing before him in New Hampshire last night, Tim has reached a new low.
  21. If the decline continues, he’ll be completely off the chain during his nomination acceptance speech later this summer.
  22. Until we actually see the voting patterns change, black men will continue to vote for Democrats at all levels in the 90% range. We are among the most reliable Democratic voters of any demographic.
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