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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. The fallout continues from the Israeli attack on the World Central Kitchen martyrs in Gaza. Cyprus ships carrying 250 tons on relief rations to Gaza have retreated mid trip because the safety of their workers cannot be guaranteed. Given how Bibi has propped up Hamas for years in order to give himself a convenient foil, it’s not surprising that he’s engaging in ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
  2. Where is DEI when you really need it?
  3. On any given day during the week, one can visit Dealey Plaza and witness John Jr. talking with Q’anon right near the Texas Schoolbook Depository.
  4. The only positive that is likely to result from the carnage is Bibi will lose his job.
  5. The Russian spy caught trying to space laser the woman in Florida was kinda chilling. My only thought is we must be doing some really scary shit in Russia.
  6. Our government is taking it seriously. It just doesn’t want Americans to know just how vulnerable we are.
  7. Where the sistahs?
  8. Now, CBS is out with some pretty compelling evidence linking Russia to the Havana Syndrome that’s gone way beyond Havana. Tell me again why Republicans are all up in Putin’s grill?
  9. Very good point. While the connectional system can fail spectacularly from time to time (see Marcial Maciel and the RCC) it makes it less likely that a chaos agent like Cardinal Raymond Burke could ever successfully destroy the Church because of multiplicity of safeguards built into the RCC’s infrastructure.
  10. Now he’s looking for a link between Boeing’s quality problems and diversity. As he becomes more popular by the day in Texas, he is without a doubt the most loathsome AG in America: DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker. The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said it began looking into Spirit AeroSystems because of “apparent manufacturing defects” in parts that “have led to numerous concerning or dangerous incidents.” In a statement Friday, a Spirit spokesman said, “While we do not comment on investigations, Spirit is wholly focused on providing the highest quality products to all our customers, to include the Boeing Company.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-attorney-general-investigating-key-174323480.html Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took. The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time
  11. Has anyone noticed how he’s stop calling Trump a whiny little bitch?
  12. Rafael’s favorability trend: https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/set/ted-cruz-favorability-trend#liberalism
  13. Nah. Must be something else. John Roberts says racism is no longer a thing.
  14. Well, if you look at the raw numbers in corporate and academic spaces, it’s been a abysmal failure
  15. How is your 5 year old progressing in her CRT classes?
  16. Will you share an example of a kind of DEI question you were asked? Thanks.
  17. Listened to Washington Journal on C-SPAN this morning. The topic dealt with the SC ultimately deciding on the availability of mifepristone to women across the country. As I listened, I was struck by the number of men callers who had very strong opinions about a woman’s right to this drug. Then it occurred to me just how odd and unlikely it would be if women had this much to say about the regulation of men’s health. Men would never stand for it.
  18. Pay attention, little people. The system is the solution…for the rich and powerful.
  19. Balsonaro is running, trying to escape capture by Brazilian authorities. Sought refuge in the Hungarian embassy. They’re after ass. Now, let’s do Trump: To share this content, please use the link https://brazilian.report/liveblog/politics-insider/2024/03/25/bolsonaro-hungarian-embassy-new-york-times/ or the tools offered on the page.
  20. He wore down his former wife as well. He’s not the great at nurturing relationships
  21. But it certainly looks like Trump is under Yass’ thumb now. https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/trump-truth-social-tik-tok-jeff-yass-rcna144951 It also looks like TikTok — or at minimum, one of its key investors — has just tried to one-up other social media companies in Big Tech’s ongoing battles over influence in Washington. Two years ago, The Washington Post revealed that Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, had waged a behind-the-scenes pressure campaign that involved trying to get media outlets and lawmakers to scrutinize TikTok more heavily. And although Meta can’t take total credit, that effort does seem to have helped get us to the present-day scenario, with a possible TikTok ban under consideration at the federal level and several other bans enacted at the state level. With Trump, Yass appears to be employing the oligarchic approach to protecting an investment: transfer heaps of cash to a desperate presidential candidate and hope they do your bidding.
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