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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Been listening to Since you've been gone by Kelly Clarkson on repeat for about the last hour and y'all can't stop me!!!!
  2. It means that I can tell my student girls of color that they have representation in the highest office of the land and can fucking get there too.
  3. The long national nightmare is fucking over. Fuck off white supremacists and anti-democratic cunts.
  4. I was quoting texags brah. I'm a history teacher. You definitely do not need to explain anything to me.
  5. Nah, American people are so inept. Growing up here fucks your way of thinking up to the point of voting against your self-interests. It's a mindfuck and an illness.
  6. None of this bullshit would be necessary if we had a normal voting system. So much fuckery.
  7. Texas is a gigantic state with a ton of different people and is trending bluer. Your mom's backward.
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