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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. An ex works for the county and they all know so I also know. I understand the respect angle but when does the statute of limitations end?
  2. How is wondering how someone died tragically being an asshole?
  3. Courtney might be perusing this board.
  4. When the next celebrity is found dead will we not be allowed to speculate until after the service? Would Surly delete all posts discussing how we think Cobain died?
  5. So do y'all know what the cause of death is?
  6. I feel like it's gonna throw us for a loop and end up being someone like the Mikey Day detective guy. He's super creepy to me.
  7. The entire must see tv lineup from 1994 getting rebooted next?
  8. You seem like an Aggie lean at the moment.
  9. I stopped taking message boards seriously years ago. They peaked in like 2006 imo. Now it's just fun entertainment for me.
  10. Your mom's pussy tastes good you're right.
  11. This might be the most idiotic thing I've ever read and it could have come directly from the Nazi playbook of the early 1930s. The Left created them too amirite? The Left caused the Civil War etc.
  12. Yea I figured. Online it appears like there are zero tickets available through the box office. Weird.
  13. Is all of UT baseball sold out? I don't think I've ever looked on there and seen it completely sold out before.
  14. I still want to know how they coordinate which intersection different homeless occupy to harass drivers at stop lights. Do they have a homeless all hands on deck meeting at the end of the day? Before the work day?
  15. This one was a big meh for me. Not even fun bad or anything.
  16. I thought it was fine. It was like a bizarro version of Hard to Kill and Under Siege but with a worse plot and even worse acting.
  17. I'm so starved for live music that I'll think they're both the greatest performers ever.
  18. Got tickets for myself and the lady friend for August with Jason and Lucinda Williams. I am so fucking excited. Maybe more excited to finally see Lucinda play.
  19. You know the Nazis had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.
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