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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. Why are they never actually ready at launch?
  2. Didn't CUM have like three starting quarterbacks all on the same MNC team? Herman doesn't have the same staying power?????
  3. Texags claiming due process is so hilarious to me as if the SC is supposed to somehow take every case, or that this has anything to do with Trump himself. And a bunch of historians on there with their claims of Washington and Jefferson as if Washington didn't crush an armed insurrection of his own citizens or that Jefferson tried to destroy the economy during his Presidency and hypocritically purchase Louisiana territory, which was probably unconstitutional.
  4. Wouldn't a state be in fact not law abiding if they seceded though?
  5. Clarence just needs to go full Scalia and drop fucking dead.
  6. About as much of a mess as the south was when Lincoln was elected. What a bunch of fucking losers.
  7. Porn politics of sex crimes and revenge porn not going away.
  8. I liked Folklore a lot better and have listened to it many times. I'll have to give Evermore a few more listens to figure it out.
  9. Soviet Union lite? I remember watching Chernobyl and making fun of the Soviets and how they responded to everything and today's Republicans are quickly becoming them imo.
  10. Yea, I want to watch the entire 3 hour version now.
  11. Cop #1 : Please show some mercy! Mr. Freeze : Mercy? I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy.
  12. Lol at anyone being mad people rip movies from these greedy ass companies. Hilarious.
  13. Just for that I think I'm gonna torrent all of the new movies that come to HBO Max and not watch any of them!!!
  14. Aint nothing on the interstate but interstate.
  15. We can laugh about it now...we’re alright.
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/giWz7hy9w6nXRJEEA
  17. I’m Owen. You the shower curtain fella?
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