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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. You know the Nazis had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.
  2. No thanks man. I don't want you fucking up my life too.
  3. I'm still not over the super league crapping out. How can one heal and move forward from this?
  4. Slow Burn's new season on the road to the Iraq war just dropped. Lets go!!!!
  5. Thanks for the recs! I tried Four Roses Single Barrel yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'll keep this in mind and put them on my list to try.
  6. Thanks. I hear that BT is kinda rare these days? I live in Austin.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I want to try a bunch of them and see what I like and don't like.
  8. Being brand new to bourbon, what should I definitely have in my home bar? I drank some Woodford yesterday and it was decent but I have no idea what is good or isn't at a decent price. I've consumed many if not most of the white whale beers and think I'm ready to move on to our beloved bourbons.
  9. On the 22nd anniversary of Columbine I will never forget that one day that Tottenham and Arsenal thought they were super.
  10. How does Jerry Jones not own Chelsea as well? Seems like it'd be a match made in heaven.
  11. I'm already an Everton casual fan and have a jersey in my closet. It, Bayern and the German national team are the only kits I own. Bought the German one in Berlin as well immediately after they won the World Cup. I can't believe that beloved Liverpool is owned by a fucking American. I haven't paid attention much to Premiere League other than random fixtures.
  12. Maybe don't let them buy the teams then. German teams don't have this shit.
  13. Everton and West Ham to the Bundesliga?
  14. Bayern can just win the CL every year now?
  15. Gonna wear my Bayern jersey with so much pride tonight. Auf Wiedersehen bitches.
  16. WHy the fuck was he pulled over AND why would she need a fucking taser for some routine traffic stop? ACAB jesus christ this would never in a million years happen to me. That poor kid.
  17. Oh and Gonzaga is now 1-11 against top 3 teams all time with one win over a number 2 like the year before Few was promoted to HC.
  18. So he was basically fired for being an NBA player?
  19. I really couldn't care less about Baylor. Seeing that stupid overhyped Gonzaga team get a train run on them was delicious and very satisfying to be honest.
  20. I need all the Rivals Tech tears screenshots please.
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