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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. It happens ALL THE TIME. It’s amazing thy somehow, my wife can accurately count blood pressure meds and statins but somehow benzos and opioids trigger some inability to perform that function, because somehow, no one ever claims a miscounted bottle of run of the mill meds. It’s only the ones that get people high: weird coincidence.
  2. Yeah. Of course, calling every series as: Run Run Pass didn’t help GG out very much.
  3. In one post you discussed the disaster of a “failure to convict”, but also, where applicable (state cases) you discuss mot bargaining for anything less than prison. Prosecutors often have to weigh those two things. For DOTARD, and this question isn’t loaded at all, would you support the prosecution agreeing to a really light sentence, possibly without real confinement, if it meant a conviction of the offenses? Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about it. I think I might be ok with it, simply because the scenario of a long drawn out trial resulting in an acquittal makes blood lose from my ears.
  4. Maybe you should read the thread title/poll question again? You’re arguing about holding the rape stuff against this current football team/staff. That was never the question asked.
  5. You’re aware that TCU and Texas have been in the same conference for a lot longer than 11 years, right?
  6. Right. My point was that it is not correct to say “DA’s have a list”, when, per the article, “many” refused to disclose the names or even number of cops on their list. So, just to be clear, some DA’s/CA’s do not have any list at all. None. There is no list and it is intentional that they do not have one. A few prosecutors will know about a “bad Apple” and not take cases from them…for a while…time goes on with some turnover in the office and all of the sudden, that cop’s history is forgotten and then it’s like nothing ever happened. So, to say that some choose not to use the list isn’t totally accurate, since some do not have a list at all. * I haven’t even begun to discuss how trial court judges bend over backwards in A LOT of jurisdictions to keep “bad stuff” about cops from coming into evidence at trial. For example, I can not count how many times I’ve seen trials where a cop’s disciplinary history related to false reports is excluded from evidence completely.
  7. That’s a totally naive take. I can tell you first hand that there some counties that do not even maintain a list AT ALL, much less give a single shit about putting them on the stand. I’m on a mission currently to get a cop terminated in Gatesville. He’s been there less than a year. He was at KISD prior to that for about a year. He was hired there after being fired by KPD for excessive force and misleading his supervisor regarding facts pertaining to probable cause, in order to get authorization to strip swatch a suspect. I’ve started just emailing all individual prosecuting attorneys the info so that they are deemed to have possession and knowledge of it. I’m doing this because one cool way of trampling on the rule of law is to just willfully make sure that you don’t find out the bad shit so you aren’t obligated. Makes my blood boil. If I get a chance tomorrow, I’ll just cut and paste the entire record tomorrow. *. I will note that the felony prosecutor in Bell County (DA) takes this stuff seriously. When he has cases set for trial with KPD as the agency, he proactively subpoenas the personnel files, so that the judge can do an in camera inspection for any Brady stuff which then gets turned over to the defense. Also note that it’s fucked up that they even HAVE TO DO THIS. The issue, as I understand it is that the agency was not being forthcoming with that info.
  8. Also, I’m trying to read the actual rules and I *think* the deal with not reviewing the spot was correct last night, but a really dumb fucking rule. From what I’ve read, they can only use replay review to determine if a ball carrier made a first down or TD, or to just correct a routine spot in other situations. That is a stupid rule because 3 yards are 3 yards. For a first down, yards 1-3 are just as important as yards 8-10. It shouldn’t even need a challenge. It should be one of those quick fix things like we see in the NFL now.
  9. Bob is not the one saying “Texas”. He says first down like always. Miked up dickhead then yells Texas! I hate it so much because for 25+ years now I have ridiculed other teams that do organized celebrations for first fucking downs. That guy on the field has to go. It’s almost like he was planted there to make us somehow less irritated at the other shit we usually get ragey about.
  10. Was the story back then that it was in memory of Cole Pittman after he died?
  11. They have the same votes that they had over a month ago. No idea how that shakes out.
  12. I took that stat to mean passes that traveled 15 or more yards past the LOS. Still not sure if that’s accurate or not.
  13. Are you saying that you bet a parlay with Texas to cover and the under and the odds for the parlay are +510?
  14. Agreed. He’s still a complete conspiracy nutter tho.
  15. Agreed, which is why I think that a simplistic “ban the AR”approach will not be very effective and shouldn’t be the focus. Focus on what makes an AR-15 such a concern and ban those features across the board. I’m talking about the high capacity mags.
  16. I did a little digging. The reports of abuse are still confidential, so the identity of reporters is not disclosed. The new change is that the report can not be made anonymously. As far as the provision for parents’ legal representation, my understanding is that there will be lawyers contracted for a reduced rate for low income families. These would be parents who do not fit the usual indigency standard who currently get a free court appointed lawyer.
  17. Providing attorneys to all parents who have kids removed is actually a great idea, IMO. With the anonymous reporting, I wonder if that information will still be redacted from court filings and reports? What I mean is, someone can no longer call in a report without providing that info, but that info is still protected, like it is now? I would hope so. Otherwise, that’s fucked. The whole system is borked. I’ve worked a ton on CPS cases and I can tell you that a lot of stuff goes the opposite way than you describe. Parents getting railroaded by shit judges with no regard for the family code or rules of evidence, etc. The problem is, to me, is that they are just so grossly underfunded, which causes carelessness and corner-cutting that consistently fucks up in either direction.
  18. My son is only 3 months old so no issues like what you have yet, but I can’t imagine the rage I would have if I were in your situation and my mom cut off Abilify cold Turkey like that. It’s not just counter to what you were trying to do, it’s actually dangerous to do that.
  19. Also, there was only 3 days of testimony so 12 hours deadlock is not a short time, relatively speaking.
  20. No experience with gravity fed, but I’ve been looking into the CampChef Woodwind Pro. Madscientistbbq has been giving really solid feedback (without any compensation deal with the company).
  21. Hung jury. Mistrial. I haven’t heard anything about whether the AG’s office intends to proceed with another trial.
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