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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. Even though you aren’t asking me, my legal opinion is that the free speech “defense” doesn’t pertain at all to what the actual indictment is for at all, but instead, addresses what a huge chunk or folks (on both sides, TBH think the “January 6 case” is about. This whole free speech “thing” is, IMO, just a talking point to further the entire victim/pariah persona that TFG uses to raise funds.
  2. There are waaaayyy too many post on this thread without a single mention of the fact that it’s hosted by Nate F’ing Boyer.
  3. When my wife was in the 30th hour of a rough labor back in May, they wanted her to get kinda mad/aggressive to help with the delivery. I told them I knew what to say but wasn’t sure if it was ok or not. They said “oh, go ahead, you can’t offend us.” I turned to my wife and just said, “push our son out so that he can go kill trump and his whole family some day.” They were most certainly not offended, which tracks, since they all work in women’s health.
  4. Wut? I can get beef and seafood that’s never been frozen from my H‑E‑B.
  5. The fast food workers are getting paid 2x or more hourly than the bartender/waiter handling to-go orders. Also, they are declaring 8% of that order for tax purposes.
  6. I get that, but “Jan 6 charges =/ “causing the violent riot/insurrection. It’s also about DOTARD knowing that he actually lost and (as evidenced in the documents) conspired to formally make himself President by unlawfully getting electors to cast votes for him.
  7. The actual legally relevant fact issue would be whether she made a wedding website after the new law went into effect. The “never ever made one” claim wasn’t only patently false, but not even needed to support her claim.
  8. Fucking autocorrect. “Recruiting efforts” was what I was trying to say.
  9. Strong was dogshit, but as far as the roster…did you not pay attention to what Mack’s last few texturing “efforts” actually brought us? I do agree with you though. we might have ended up better off though potentially, but only because we could have avoided the Strong era and possibly ended up with someone other than Herman.
  10. So, are we saying that we averted a mass shooting…to describe a scenario where said “aversion” was the potential mass shooter committing a shooting where he killed one, wounded a couple/few others? I think we have the formula for a solution now. Just have to hope more shooters do one shooting before their planned big one.
  11. What brand of warm beer? I bet it’s Otto Warm Beer.
  12. I’ve skimmed this entire season 2 portion of the thread… Has anyone mentioned that Luca was the kid that got a spider bite on his nutsack in We’re The Millers? Took me a while to recognize him.
  13. To clarify; This particular defendant would not be competent to stand trial, and the facilities that restore people to competency…so that they can actually be taken to court and punished…are full AF. Furthermore, there’s going to be a not guilty by reason of insanity defense asserted (not the same as competency). Garza SUCKS. I don’t disagree. But this particular incident speaks to this state’s ineptness and unwillingness to deal with the mental health crisis. *. I worked as a prosecutor in mental health specialty courts, and it’s frustrating AF. No CR but no one that matters wants to spend money on fixing the problem.
  14. A criminal prosecution under these facts is a losing proposition every time. He needs an involuntary commitment to a facility. No idea where that process has been for this guy, but it’s not usually the DA’s purview.
  15. Someone asked me today what it feels like to be a new dad with a newborn. “It feels like one of my arms is always asleep.”
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