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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. All I meant was that it seemed like you were really hung up on the fact that he has pled NG at this point, when in reality, it is the rule and not the exception. It does not mean that his team has anything resembling a plausible defense in mind at this point. I wasn’t literally commanding you to do anything. It’s a message board. We are assholes.
  2. The post you are replying to is speaking to mental competency, not an insanity defense, which are two totally separate different things with different meanings.
  3. Stop all of the speculation based on him pleading not guilty at this point. What do you expect them to do? Just say “awwww….looks like you got me! Send me to prison for life! No use in trying at all !” Even those who eventually plead guilty to some sort of deal often begin with a plea of not guilty.
  4. Correct. And there is zero chance that this will be deemed a “search” under the 4A, Any more than me standing in my yard looking at the house across the street.
  5. If you assess the patient to be without pulse or breath, you do not take steps to stabilize head/neck. That person is dead and first priority is that “part”. Edit to add: I’m not a doctor, but I did get certified recently.
  6. Not that money matters to us, but our next hire will not be coming here for $4M/year. That’s not this works at all.
  7. During a post-game interview earlier this season, X was discussing how many thousand balls he caught from a juggs machine every week. It just doesn’t seem to make a difference.
  8. This. If you re-watch some of those games, Colin was worth about 10 points added to Ehlinger’s completion percentage resulting from amazing efforts on throws that were not really that good at all.
  9. ROFLBOX has a friend that’s a kickass handyman, named Marshall. Marshall is also a Fucking legit dog whisperer. Amazing with training. if you are lurking this thread, I hope you have tried to get Marshall involved. He’s the perfect answer, IMO.
  10. Matt Pittman is wrong. I think saw that recipe and he mentioned Serious Eats. SE suggests baking powder, not cornstarch. FYI, I’ve been to mining with wings and I’ve landed on 6-7 minutes par boil, then skin side down for about 45 minutes at 225. Then I flip them, crank the heat up to 375, let them go 20-30, flip again to finish them. No overnight drying, baking powder or anything else. I don’t even dry them after boiling. The par boil idea came from madscientistbbq.
  11. I picked up a rack last weekend, not sure how to proceed. I have smoked pork belly "burnt ends" before, where I cubes, smoke, sauce and then caramelize. For this task, I referred to Leroy and Lewis' video (Bacon Ribs) where they smoke the rack, in-tact, pit temp 250, until the internal temp gets to around 150-160 degrees. They then cool them overnight, cut into separate ribs, season with rub, then back on the pit to finish. The coat them in maple syrup after cooking. The main difference is that they first cure them for a week, using the same method you would for making slab bacon. I was planning to not do that. Does anyone else have a different method that works well? Is the double smoke really necessary? Can I get comparable results by just resting them an hour or so before slicing them up and putting them back on the cooker?
  12. This. FYI, I just talked to a Tech grad prosecutor yesterday. She is a family violence specialist at the misdemeanor and felony level. She’s one of those “crusader” prosecutors that is extremely difficult to deal with on these type of cases. Very biased towards believing and empathizing with accusers. Anyway, she was telling me how she has serious doubts about thy affidavit and is not a case that she would at all want to do be dealing with. Lots of holes, weaknesses, etc.
  13. Not trolling, but I’m behind on this thread. Which Beard comments are you referring to that corroborate her claims?
  14. Her statement to the police /= “the reports”. Well, I guess they kinda are, since the reports merely reflect what she said happened.
  15. He wouldn’t neg you for that. I mean, that’s criminal defense lawyer’s job.
  16. Also, regarding immamac’s prior “WHY NOT DONE!?!?” posts: To be REALLY FUCKING CLEAR…take it to the bank that Minton’s firm literally did everything they could as fast as possible as good as possible. And by possible, I don’t mean for them, but for anyone. Prior to starting my current gig at a defense firm, those guys were my go to referral for anything in Travis County if I couldn’t take it for some reason. One of them used to lurk/post around here, I think.
  17. Exactly what would you expect his lawyer to have done on scene, other than to just stop Beard from making a couple of comments to the cops? Do we know if he incriminated himself? Otherwise a lawyer on the scene isn’t going to talk the cops out of arresting/charging him. That’s not how it works.
  18. Wut? The ball went out of bounds, didn’t it? There’s an official on the LOS. Did it cross the plane of the sideline to that guy’s right or left?
  19. I’m smoking a deboned breast this year. I think I want to try dry brining. For a whole Turkey, 12-24 hours is recommended by Serious Eats. Can I lop off a decent chunk of time since I’m just doing a breast or nah? * Or, can I get away with no brining at all? I did this a couple of years ago and did a wet brine for about 20 hours and the finished product had a god awful texture. Do not want.
  20. Yep. More importantly, to me, they need to raid Fetterman’s entire social media team and strategists.
  21. Yep. Staunch pro-lifers, if not relying on religious or moral grounds, seem to never get that: “Human life” /= “A human”
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