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Everything posted by UcancallmeSurly

  1. Up to a 48.9 avg... good chance he'll lead the league in net avg as well.
  2. He sold it to one of his teammates before he left SMU.
  3. Not to cast stones, but they practically threw him to the lions and he'd rise from the death bed & take one for the team.
  4. Never been a big Nutcracker fan, but which character is it that Chris Hall dressed as?
  5. To be fair Jesus Christ had his career shortened by injury, was known to be too unselfish & and teammates didn't always have his back.
  6. The sharps are all on the Sanders/McCoy/Waddle three team parlay
  7. Did they not have a 21 gun Salute in CS or did I miss the report on friendly fire dead aggy?
  8. Very telling that the EJ write up made no mention of the Waddle transfer. I'm starting to think that boat may have sailed.
  9. True story, but it was actually Patton.
  10. A Xanax bar to each oz of alcohol will fix that. Pro tip.. if ur doing blow or sativa you can do 2:1 shots to bar ratio.
  11. So basically we are on the wrong end of supply & demand for condoms and weed & looking to beat a chickenhawk short a Johnson.
  12. Lloyd Carr & Dustin Hoffman's regarded brother
  13. Can someone with a Twitter machine send a request to CDC? We need a McConnaughey voice over "Ok cool, Hook 'em!" via jumbotron after huge plays
  14. Sad, but the ex Courtney is the female version of this clown. Was in Cbus last week & spoke with a connection inside the AD.. none of this comes as any surprise for anyone near the program & both sides are a mess.
  15. When being right is simply wrong.. stop it with that shit. I'm holding out for the "ok cool" shirt that has a couple motorboating blow off of stripper rack.
  16. Yup, married to Michelle's sister Juliette. He's with ABC in Fresno
  17. Banking those sitcom residuals I'd imagine.
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