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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. First neg i got as a young pup was in the For Sale section. Shit was vicious back then.
  2. How's your cat hoppin? High wide and handsome.
  3. Fun Fact: back when me and my buds would sit around killing cheap bottles of bourbon, when I started talkin like that guy ^^^ it was time to cut me off. It's an accent I would have heard as a toddler, and it's just waitin to come out.
  4. They need to keep going to the Border, so they can get busted for drugs in their cars at the checkpoint coming back. Because you know they drive everywhere with drugs in their cars.
  5. Yep. And the next day he suddenly looked up from his coffee and said "HELL IT WASN'T EVEN ABOUT SLAVERY."
  6. Nice catch. I was planning on buying 8 ounces, but for the price of one more ounce I can get two extra with this deal. Now we wait while the brass gears turn at my bank to hook up to pay eCheck. Maybe the deal will still be available when I can do that. Maybe it'll be cheaper.
  7. Maybe if Kid Rock asks politely, and passes a piss test, Taylor will let him drive one of her equipment trucks.
  8. So 59% of the kids are at or above now? I am surprised and impressed. MeeMaw during the Pandemic was a semi-functioning filter against the frat boy reflexes of Republican He-Men. Guess she couldn't let this Comm'nism slide.
  9. So she's telling us it's a Phony War. Meanwhile, Taco Trucks have been spotted massing in the Ardennes.
  10. When you talk with him, do you start sayin "dis" and "dat?" Cuz I do it just listenin to im. I caint hep it.
  11. Who would be doing immunotherapy infusions? I'd chat with all the nurses, find out where they were from. Many of them drove in from from other towns. The ones from hill towns north and east of here tended to be grumpier and more likely that I'd overhear them grumbling about vaxes. But matches up pretty well with local politics I guess. Non-related, but a buddy works sound at a local bar that has bands. Every few months he's hanging out with a different Travel Nurse. Everybody seems happy.
  12. This is the same kind of Liberal pandering that has people thinking Egypt is in Africa.
  13. I didn't know if I had either, then I realized they are the soundtrack to half the puppy videos out there.
  14. Carville is one of two funny-lookin famous guys I almost bumped into in person. One time, he was runnin on the bike trail in Alexandria VA. Or maybe I was bikin on the runnin trail, dunno. Another time, he was gettin take-out pizza and had on bright red shoes. Anybody else, I wouldn't have noticed. But he's so damn funny lookin, he draws the eye.
  15. Fun money ready to use, got a yen for silver. Threw some generic ounces in my cart at an online dealer, then thought maybe I'd just see how much cash I pulled in in a week at a show, spend that locally. Abandoned the cart. Leaving it that way for a couple days to see if I get one of those legendary Abandoned Cart promotions.
  16. May two new statues. One for the park, another for the perps to look at in prison.
  17. @Bozo_Casanova been building up this tax knowledge through the years, JUST to blindside a motherfucker.
  18. How come they don't list the political leanings of all the extras? That's like the Silent Majority maaaan.
  19. You gotta go with Minneapolis, when the End Times come you can slip right into Canada. Unless the End Times includes a Canadian Invasion. But either the Canadians will be polite, or they'll slaughter their prisoners like they did in WW1. Either way, you're set. You could go to either of the coasts and conceivably sail away, sure, but you know those barges are gonna turn out to be Soylent Green scows.
  20. If we'd just sit down and talk with them, probably all that Iran wants is whatever little bits of the Middle East that Cyrus the Great controlled.
  21. Well said. I either can't express myself clearly, or am just wrong. I'll let it go at that.
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