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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Thanks @immamac. I don't think we should walk down the school hallway with a skateboard on our shoulder trying to get the youngs. There are millions of unknown 40+ types who would enjoy this place if they ever saw it. One thing I noticed in the switchover is that a few psychotic fucks could murder unpopular members. I liked the unpopular members even when I disagreed with them. There would be no Old Shaggy atmosphere without Rocko's yawns and paystubs, yet these psychotic fucks obliterated him here. There would have been no glorious I-just-bring-doughnuts Roy Moore Epic Thread without Tahoe, who got waylaid here by the psychotic fucks. I am talking psychotic fucks who scroll down random posts by a member they don't like, dropping negs like they're popping bubble-wrap. The problem is the effectiveness of the neg system. The old one, where it took 2 or 3 negs to equal 1 positive, let unpopular people hang around a little, say what they wanted, riled up the others and made it fun to watch, like a greased midget fight. The 1 neg = 1 positive system is like giving a pistol to a chimp. ---- If you want more Thujone-ish art, I'd say don't turn to artists, find more lawyers who are going batshit crazy in their real jobs who sketch funny stuff while they are supposedly working. Maybe run some contests? Same thing for original gifs and whatnot.
  2. Armor of God. Well awright. Few years ago a cousin commissioned me to draw cartoons for all her friends. A good chunk of them were people talking about putting on various bits of the Armor of God. Hadn't heard that one but I grew up Evangelical so I know they go through fashions. I slapped out a few dozen cartoons, some of them of little cartoon people donning breastplates and helmets with Bible verse references. That branch of the family has always been into Magickal Thinking, so one guess how they acted under Covid. One of them wanted to visit my 80+ year old mother unvaccinated because they prayed about it or some shit. Me n my sisters were fixin to whoop some ass. Probably 100 years from now the Armor of God cartoons will be the only thing I did that survives. I like stories.
  3. "Bru." Wonder what his real name is, you know he just made that "Bru" shit up. And if you name your kid "Marc" with a c, the best thing that can happen is he'll grow up to steal pens from the office.
  4. Don't people in Federal prison still qualify for Social Security? If so, yes. Or at least maybe some survivors will.
  5. Well at least when you complain, you do it in English. That's a step in the right direction.
  6. Chicks dig artists. Chicks dig rich guys. If Rich Guy Artist Scott Adams doesn't have women hanging around him hoping for additional sperm, then maybe there is more going on in his personal life.
  7. Somebody's brother-in-law got paid a consulting fee.
  8. I'm pretty much live and let live with all the above, but if I heard that one dude say "live her best life" I'd prolly snap and get his arm up behind his back while I smack his head on the table.
  9. Ogg go live with Mongo. Ogg give up election dream.
  10. Cell phones are to their brains what Rascal scooters are to their bodies. csb: a few days ago my own phone glitched out and couldn't access cell towers anymore. I knew the general area where the Apple store was, but not exact location. Drove around slowly, looking at signs, like it was 1978./csb
  11. Is this trip on a Sunday? Because Chick-fil-A Jesus Bible Food is right over there.
  12. Traveling Craft Fair Woodworker. You'll need a couple of folding tables, a camp chair, a 10 x 10' tent + weights, and some sort of floppy hat. Also a bunch of stuff you carved. You'll befriend the other craft fair hippy folk, and as you see familiar faces after several shows, it'll be like joining the circus minus elephant shit.
  13. Do you like people, or hate people? I assume you are tired of screens if you don't want to do more IT, but maybe not? Do you like to make things with your hands? Do you want to stay near home, or travel around?
  14. Is "Hot Babe" Mandarin for "Flabby-Armed She-Troll?"
  15. I don't have to watch it, Dottie-- I lived it. No, wait...
  16. So... Lorena Bobbitt, without a knife?
  17. fif my NG experience. Now, the minute a Guardsman goes to an Army school for any kind of training, there are regular, real PT tests, so some will stay in decent shape for that. Or just because they want to. But there'll be the occasional Pillsbury Doughboy who is probably the only one who knows how to fix the widget machine or do the get-paid paperwork. That dude is always pencilled in to the test results.
  18. Or driving a Humvee that is technically signed out to a Lieutenant who pissed him off?
  19. Over/under on how long before a few Cav Scouts (because it will be Cav Scouts) decide to take an off-day in Nuevo Laredo and one of them has a pistol in his pocket?
  20. Hit Day 200 on Duolingo today. My Gaelic is what you'd expect from a B student in 2nd-year language class-- hunks of simple stuff that I've got down pat, other vast tracts of Terra Incognita where I don't even know what I don't know. So far I've learned present tense, past, some kinda combo future/habitual thing, and a few commands. The difference in those is often just switching out one word. I didn't think I had learned much, but the other day I was driving across town and wanted to see if I could describe things I saw. I vomited out a surprising string of Gaelic, not saying I could cover everything, but I could keep a conversation going. So if you were in the area and thought you heard Rob Roy's ghost road-ragin, mighta been me.
  21. Damn, not the Army Reserve. Inactive Army Reserve is great, but the Regular Army Reserve? Those guys always reminded me of the army of some country on the borders of Colombia and Syria. Just sorta listless, watching the clock tick.
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