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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. With 1k free money you could just lay around at home and drank.
  2. Well, maybe you just need proper discipline, feisty redheads, fiddle tunes, and a pub. All can be found (according to photos on the internet) at a Gaelic school/broadcasting/music hub on Skye called Sabhail Mór Ostaig. (Sawel Mor Ostik) Be a dear and drop by there and scout it out for me, because I want to go take a course there.
  3. When you get to Skye, ask people "Tha Gaidhlig agad?" (Ha gallik akat) If they say "Tha," tell them "Bod ort!" (Boat orsht) It means "Long live Scotland." Or maybe "May a penis be on you," can't remember, try it out and let me know.
  4. Well, since Mexico was never governed by Nixon, there are no Hispanics there.
  5. Used to check out Sports Illustrated on the rack in Eckerds when I'd use that store as a short-cut to get to the record store in the mall.
  6. Uh, if any of your ancestors were in a casta painting, you 100% count as Hispanic now.
  7. My dung drama varies. If people get Real Colitis as a side effect of my drug, one nurse told me there's a 40% mortality rate. I have never had the real stuff. All I gotta do if the shits become all-consuming is to skip the dose for a day, and everything dries up for a while. That's what happened for 4 days last time I stopped. Now 4 days worth of poo is queued up and started sluicing out yesterday, if I could sell it by the pound I'd never work again. BUT at least it's not waking me up at night. I used to treat it with a variety of drugs, which worked 100% of the time 50% of the time, but now I'm all "Let's get it out and done with." The flush toilet is two steps from my studio. Time for a video game break!
  8. I believe I got my copy from a local university library. Just wear some tweed and mumble about being a former professor. They'll give you a card.
  9. For anybody mildly interested in WW1, you gotta check out The Secret War in Mexico, by Friedrich Katz. Katz digs down into it. You had the Germans wanting to blow up the oil fields and/or goad the Mexicans into fighting so the US couldn't spare troops for Europe, the British plotting a coup, and America thinking "Hmmm, I wonder if we shouldn't just peel off another row of Mexican states for ourselves?" Not to mention everything being pretty much wrecked by La Revolución. Carranza was at the poker table bluffing with a pair of twos, and managed to emerge in one piece. OK, maybe not him, but the country. https://www.amazon.com/Secret-War-Mexico-Mexican-Revolution/dp/0226425894
  10. If I had a time machine I'd probably just use my wizard-like future powers to try to convince that young Lutheran coed to leave aside her studies, and walk in shame with me to my lair.
  11. I read that. I can save you some trouble. Everybody does some stupid shit diplomatically, then war breaks out. None of the plans work out, it bogs down, everybody dies for about 4 years.
  12. Today I delivered some art to a coin dealer and got paid in gold. 15 pesos for this job. But on Instagram I forgot to mention that they were gold pesos, and may have implied that I sold the artwork for the coins in this photo:
  13. First cousins share 2 grandparents. Second cousins share 2 great-grandparents. Yes, for about half of them. Also, everybody is 4th cousins. Especially the ones who don't look like you. You've humped your own 4th cousin at some point in time. If your grandparents came from some small traditional place in Europe or Mexico, it would be a miracle if you yourself are not a product of multiple inter-braided strands of cousin-fucking. Maybe not you, @StassneyHorn, but definitely the rest of these twisted Hapsburgian freaks. [EDIT I now see that multiple people have awready learnt you on this subject, but ain't no way I was gonna read all that inbred stuff first.]
  14. Well hell. All my Kentucky cousins are way more distant than first cousin. I ain't driving the whole day to drink near-beer and boink a third cousin.
  15. Enough of this frozen pipe shit. @Brisketexan, forget about the plumbing, forget about the house. Get with the theme and start digging your own tunnel complex straight into the canyon face. You said your daughter's there. I bet she's walking around saying she's bored. Give her a pick and a hardhat. Send your wife out to buy canaries. You eat chili and enter the tunnel whenever there's a need to blast some rock. This is all obvious. You should have done this years ago.
  16. I read with joy that today it's supposed to get up into the mid-30s, with sunshine. Might run around the backyard nekkit.
  17. So they're both plagiarizing Gladiator.
  18. And then of course they might have spent the whole day learning about European folk traditions like dancing and music. Bulgarian singing would be a good start, they do this nasal thing that approximates auto-tuning. And that's just another small part of what they'd want to know. This is exciting.
  19. I see the paparazzi have caught us at Poetry Night at the Duck Pin Lanes on payday weekend.
  20. Why are we all assuming he was doing faux-Army stuff? Maybe those guys all spent the whole day so they could brush up on Classical Greek and read Plato and Aristotle in the original, gotta understand Western Culture to defend Western Culture. 8 hours of trying to get your head around the Aorist tense ain't no joke.
  21. Best thing would be to build a bonfire in that space underneath the kitchen. Would eventually warm the entire house.
  22. Hey Motherfucker, Pol Pot got stuff DONE!
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