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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. I'd listen to an argument that his A game is still as good as anyone in the league who doesn't spend their off-season in Serbia. But his A game is few and far between, especially on the defensive end. Top 5 guys are expected to be consistently excellent and carry their teams night after night. LeBron can't do that anymore in the regular season, and he hasn't carried a playoff series since 2020. He's still good for virtuoso game, maybe two, over a 7-game series, which is nothing to scoff at...but it ain't top 5 worthy. Still really impressive that his cruising, conserve his energy B and C games are still good for 25/7/8 at 39.
  2. Does it come with the added bonus of no longer being welcome at my in-laws house for Christmas? If so, sign me the fuck up!
  3. "You live in Tempe? I lived in Tempe 15 years ago! Do you know Doug?" Few things more laughable than the loudest social media assholes complaining about privacy.
  4. I was unaware that I'm black. Cool. My wife will be pleased to know.
  5. Yeah, I've doing my best for about a year to ignore that our Supreme Court is for hire, and their own bylaws make them completely immune to punishing for--and, frankly, encourage--their fealty to the highest bidder.
  6. I can't wait to be lectured on how cruel and insensitive we're being for making fun of the situation and not giving their family respect and privacy during this difficult time. Hunter Biden sucks dick for coke! You heard it here first from my totally not Russian asset informant.
  7. Oh fuck all the way off. You know damn well that wasn't why they killed it. You fucking puppet.
  8. The electoral college argument is always so pointless and hollow to me. We all know damn well that the, "We have to honor the Constitution's foresight to look out for the little guy and give Idaho a say!" arguments would completely flip in today's GOP the second that the electoral college became beneficial to Democrats. And yes, I'm sure a fair number of Democrats would flip flop too. The difference is that the GOP would have had their stacked Court change it by now.
  9. Kind of depressing that we have to go all the way to the Supreme Court to (hopefully) decide that, "No, nobody gets to do whatever the fuck they want without legal consequence."
  10. I'd watch that season of Drive to Survive. Binged the latest season, and Red Bull barely gets any screen time during the most dominant season in F1 history. Max is a boring machine.
  11. Mixed you up with Cheeseweasel. Apologies.
  12. You don't have to go through life being a moron. You know damn well that Trump's transition is unlike any other in American history in its harm and selfishness.
  13. *as long as you think your tax bill is lower.
  14. Here ya go. Also, just off the top of my head, when you lecture us for inaccurately implying that Trump paid Stormy Daniels with campaign funds when Michael Cohen went to prison in part for [checks notes] using campaign funds as reimbursement for his pay off to Stormy Daniels. So you despise him, yet you undoubtedly vote for him anyway. Is the ethos really that important?
  15. ...that you've voted for twice and will again, who you always seem to find the time to defend from the mean ol' cabal. Curious that.
  16. Oh, the next guy will be worse for sure. The question is will they be as effective.
  17. Arizona is staying blue. Which is sure to piss off your typical lifelong Arizonan. Which makes me smile.
  18. Also, fuck this lady for getting to paint herself as "the moderate candidate" with her own shit belief system just because the alternative is a cartoon character.
  19. This is dumb. No top tier program would get grief for choosing not to forego a full coaching search--which would include the current interim coach as a candidate--just because they won 3 games in the tournament. It was the Elite 8; they weren't playing for the Title. Hiring an assistant after a good month long run, without even probing national interest, is something that A&M would do. You're basically arguing that UT isn't a top tier program, so making the Elite 8 should get you the job, no questions asked. Can you even name 3 of the Elite 8 from two years ago?
  20. Yeah, I defended Kobe for taking the bag way past his prime too, even though Kobe was barely functional by the end of the contract. Like, what move are the Lakers going to pull off that would make them title contender if LeBron only asks for, say, $30M instead of $60M? With how the salary cap works, that doesn't mean that they would be able to go out and sign a $30M free agent. I'm guessing Steph gets one more max deal too since their title days look over. Good for them after all they've done for their franchises and the league as a whole. I respect the hell out of dudes like Duncan and Brady who have always taken less, but I don't begrudge the ones who don't.
  21. Yep, try convincing Trump voters that he's actually dead. Even if you could, they'd write him in to honor his memory.
  22. Don't sell yourself short! You're also getting all of the blue state assholes who have long envied all those red state freedoms (one in particular) you've got.
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