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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. If you aren't allowed to wear a condom, take a pill, pull out, have an abortion, or have a fertilized egg jeopardized in any way, maybe your unhappy spouse will think twice before cheating. Point for the Evangelists!
  2. But it's always important to remember, the other side is just as bad! Am I doing it right? Fucking unreal.
  3. I thought it was a little too on-the-nose when The Daily Show had a black correspondent as their resident show fashion expert (even though that was part of the joke). Fox News foregoes all that pesky subtlety and says, "Hold my beer."
  4. Not a single avid Trump supporter saw that. Sad, but true. Their media sources kept a lid on that tighter than they did Four Seasons Landscaping. This is perfect.
  5. What America needs is the party of law and order! ...wait, give them a minute, as soon as they wrap up this court proceeding, then they'll have a solid 90 minutes before the next one starts. That's when we gain back the respect for America!
  6. Has YouTube always been so shameless about who they accept advertising dollars from? I don't know, maybe the algorithm got me from all the random shit I click on in here, but I'm getting a lot of full length Epoch Times transphobia (redundant) ads, and I just watched a 3-minute ad for the "Second Amendment Bible" teaching people how to obtain guns without serial numbers to be "better prepared for what's to come." The fuck man?
  7. To be honest, Dildo Law is what I already assumed most Surly lawyers specialized in.
  8. If the NBA had the pull to hide a serious MJ gambling scandal, then they would have hid the scandal AND let him keep playing. What's the logic there? "Mike, we're going to cover up you gambling on your team for you, but to show how angry we are, we're going to shadow suspend you for almost two years and cost the league untold millions in the process. I hope you learn your lesson."
  9. It's never felt right giving posts that I like hook 'ems, but the alternative is littering a site full of you assholes with a bunch of hearts.
  10. There's a bag man at every school...but pops when directly to the head coach for a payout. Sure thing, Manziels.
  11. 5'11" 180 dude who can bench a whole 225 "owns" the paint. Shit, is Helobious becoming my new favorite poster?
  12. You see, THEY earned their wealth, and all the government does is try to take it away to give to free-loaders. Of course they think that a Trump presidency benefits the wealthy because he doesn't want to pay taxes of follow regulations either. They think that a "disruptor" like Trump could and should completely blow up the status quo in Washington, but that their lives won't be materially affected--and may even be improved--by this because they achieved their success all on their own. Smart people can be idiots too. I know several who fit this bill.
  13. I'm going to push back on "the obvious choice" being to promote a black, female, progressive candidate from California to run this year, even if she had proved herself as super capable (whatever that actually means in terms of being a VP). That's one hell of a gamble with today's electorate.
  14. You absolutely did. They're just the ones with enough sense not to admit it.
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess: fucking Filipino working girls who look 12 but totally aren't [wink, wink].
  16. That Jordan Poole has a legitimate argument for worst player in the NBA. And Jokic shooting >60% on floaters is witchcraft.
  17. These puns are the worst thing to be associated with Jordan's shoes since he rocked a Hitler mustache in a commercial.
  18. Thanks Mr. Naismith!
  19. I can at least understand an anti-abortion argument. It falls apart with one simple question that that camp never even attempts to answer: since we'll never be able to stop people from having sex for fun, how is continuing to force people to carry unwanted pregnancies sustainable? But I at least understand the "morality" that they trick themselves into thinking their position has. But, for the life of me, I will never be able to understand the sick, twisted fucks who are against abortion AND birth control.
  20. Yeah, I'm trying to get my "he's too old" friends/family to look at it from a position of voting for the best cabinet/administration, not individual President (not that that choice should be difficult either). Biden surrounds himself with smart, capable people and has to humility to delegate more to them if/when his faculties begin to fail. Trump surrounds himself with literal swamp creatures.
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