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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Wait, you are aware that a tax refund isn't a "Oh, we decided to lower your taxes this year and give everyone some money back."? It's a "You did your withholdings wrong and have been paying us more than you owe for the entire year, so I guess you can have the overage back." Using your tax refund--or lack thereof--to assess how much more you're being taxed doesn't make sense.
  2. I mean, I'd understand if Wemby resented Chet. It was supposed to be his year, but the Spurs suck so much unshowered ass that most people have stopped following him at this point. And OKC youth movement is a more fun story, with huge contributions from their own freakishly tall "rookie".
  3. And if it was real (which would mean that she's even dumber than we thought and not grifting), the only thing that the GOP power brokers fear about Lake is punting another Senate seat to Democrats by running MAGA morons.
  4. C'mon, man. Hung himself how? Making vague threats passed by an unnamed group? This is just two dipshits conjuring up some red meat for their base of morons. No need to overthink it. "Our friends back east"...who talks like that? Someone has seen a few too many mafia movies. They would have just said DC or New York if it wasn't for show. Jeff even squeezed in his proof of integrity at the end. "You know I can't be controlled either."
  5. Jeff, please do a better job of enunciating when you record your next "leaked", not-staged-at-all audio.
  6. If I had 5 attempts, I could not have told you which team Chauncey Billups coaches until just now.
  7. If Biff has a sponsor, they'd understand too.
  8. What exactly were they expecting defensively? The replaced one of the most versatile perimeter defenders in league history with...Dame Lillard. They had to know that they were going to take a sizeable step back on that end. Their offense, to be expected, is at the top of the league, right there with Indiana.
  9. It will work to get people to stop worrying about the hurricane. Stupid libs.
  10. Not sure about your police work on that, Lou.
  11. Bad guys: "The most important thing in the world is tying up loose ends." Also the bad guys: "Let's keep dropping clearly tortured people out of helicopters, even though hikers keep finding them almost immediately."
  12. Because we're living in a fantasy world where she takes Ron's votes in NH and makes it close, then wins her home state!
  13. Which is the slogan that the GOP will bestow upon Newsom when he runs in '28, likely killing his chances. The difference is that dumb shit DeSantis chose his.
  14. All of us are concerned that you know this.
  15. Peter Berg, actually. Answering the age old question: what if the cast of Friday Night Lights and Rihanna fought a bunch of aliens using the USS Missouri?
  16. Man, I envy your guys' optimism speculating about a gay person or a California Democrat winning a presidential election in our lifetimes.
  17. Dude, no you fucking didn't. If you had said, "Okay, everyone has gotten in their licks. Let's move along before this thread gets even more derailed" the pushback would have been minimal. That's a perfectly understandable position. But, instead, you absolutely validated his position by telling us that you know him in real life (meaning?) and that he's just offering a "differing opinion." For a poster who has a history of using dubious sources (The Right Scoop, for fuck's sake??), refusing to back up his claims, and then falling back to "slimy echo chamber!" when confronted. There are absolutely times that CR can lazily default to "But Trump" when presented with valid criticism of the left, but this wasn't one of those times. He was looking for exact kind of confrontation that he got, and you know it. I've never once said a damn word about the moderation of the site until now. I think you guys do pretty great work in what's largely an unwinnable job. Who am I to criticize? But the only one doubling down on a bad position here is you.
  18. If they had known with certainty that there were still kids in there from the onset, I bet a couple of the officers go in without orders, as it's in their training to move and act in an active shooter scenario. Though, there was also the whole "is the classroom door locked or not" fiasco. That the communication and logic was so poor that it couldn't be passed to them that class was in session and that there were almost certainly children in that classroom is mind-numbing. And not a single fucking one of them thought to check the other classrooms for kids that they could get the fuck out of the school. Any one of the teachers in the other classrooms could have immediately verified how many kids were likely in the shooter's rooms.
  19. Well, you see, they didn't realize that kids were there...in the middle of a school day. And no one bothered to check any of the other rooms for 24 minutes until one of the cops opened a door (to a room full of scared, but well-trained, quiet kids) on the opposite end of the hallway only to make room for his feet, so he could get more comfortable in his prone shooting position behind cover. True story. Though I believe that most--not all--of the shots occurred in those initial 3 minutes. Leaving all the AR bullet holes that convinced them that they were outgunned and the best (safest) choice was to wait for more firepower. They very easily convinced themselves that the shooter was alone in the classroom (because it was "too quiet"), and waiting is what they're trained to do in barricaded shooter situations. They were scared shitless of the AR (they've said as much) and didn't want to contemplate having to barge in if they knew kids were still in there. So they made stupid assumptions and cowered.
  20. Dude, what? I've only been an observer on this one, but the guy came in with cherry-picked snippets from an absolute garbage source, refused to answer what he thinks the DHS or administration actually lied about, then moved the goalposts to the "media narrative". When confronted, he fell back on the tried and true "echo chamber not allowing other perspectives" trope. Saying he just has a "differering opinion" gives his approach way more merit than it deserves. I'm not saying he was trolling, but he sure wasn't making an attempt to argue in good faith.
  21. I've read that tweet like 6 times trying to figure out if we're supposed to be impressed by Ujiri, or if we're taking shots at him.
  22. Let's also be honest: he's awful in Reacher too. But the role doesn't exactly require much range. Like to eat food, stare at bad guys, give the occasion Sherlock Holmes' deduction.
  23. Just caught the last half hour of Commando. Fits this thread well. I love the casting. "Hey, we need an antagonist who believably served with Arnold in the Army special forces. His equal on the battlefield." "Best I can do is a hairy, chubby Australian with a porn mustache wearing a chainmail vest." "Perfect. No notes."
  24. Same. Been around since thujone's original realignment threads. Never once posted or read a CR post before Nov 4, 2020. Just no interest. But I was naive: I thought that even Trump's most ardent supporters were in on the joke and realized that he was lying through his teeth. I assumed that their thinking was somewhere along the lines of, "He's so funny when he trolls the liberal media and makes them dance." Stupid, but I figured mostly harmless for this little 4 year experiment. Then, in 2020, I heard what I'd consider otherwise smart people say--and truly mean--things like, "You'll never hear about COVID again after November." As if the entire world and medical communities united in a conspiracy to make sure an American President lost an election. Then, people parroting obvious lies about stolen elections from a dude who has been baselessly crying fraud for every election since Obama. And it was a wake up call: "Holy shit. People truly believe the words spewing out of this narcissistic moron's mouth. That can't be a great sign for our electorate/society." The open hatred for those you share a country with built around such blatant lies--and widespread appeal of those culture wars and conspiracies--was disheartening, culminating in 1/6. Even after that pathetic debacle, the temperature hasn't lowered. I don't know where we go from here. All of this also corresponded with my first child, my daughter, being born in December 2019. Now, it's become nearly impossible to blissfully ignore politics like I used to when one party's official mottos are "We can't fix anything 100%, so why bother trying at all?" and "Fuck the future. Got mine." It's embarrassing the world that we're willfully leaving for the next generation.
  25. Except that you lost most of those voters with the word "hemisphere". They don't know or care where he came from, just that he's brown with a name they can't pronounce.
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