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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. I like the cut of your jib.
  2. This works out perfectly for Aaron. He was never going to apologize. People on the fringe like him can't apologize or admit that they were wrong or uninformed about anything. Ever. That would be the ultimate sign of weakness for that community (which Aaron clearly cares about his reputation in, for lord knows what reason). You know, because they're stupid. Now he gets to play the victim of "cancel culture." And the people who crow the loudest about "sticking to sports" will come to his defense, because they strangely don't seem to care much when the politics on a sports show skew their direction, even to an extreme.
  3. Also is a testament to how quickly things can change in the the NBA, and how fucking hard it is to keep an elite team together year after year. Two years ago, Memphis was THE up-and-coming team, the young guys who were knocking at the door. They were throwing around words like "next dynasty" (which was incredibly stupid then, hilarious now). Now, there are a half dozen young teams arguably better set up for the future. OKC, Minnesota, Indiana Sacramento, Cleveland, New Orleans...
  4. They thought--and most still think--that THEY were the ones saving democracy. Honestly, I don't even despise--or even blame--them for their actions. Imagine you were really, really, really, really stupid and gullible, and the sitting United States fucking President, the man who you voted for, told you for months that the election was stolen out from under him. And everyone on his side of the aisle, all of your "news" sources, and everyone you associate with in person and online repeated those lies as fact. What would you do? Of course they thought that they were the heroes of the story. One of the biggest tragedies of 1/6 is how much it overshadows the national embarrassment of the previous two months, with every Republican voice in the country wholeheartedly backing the President's dangerous lies. And then they have the gall to pretend that they didn't cause 1/6.
  5. Include? This is a Texas board composed of, largely, relatively well off middle-aged white men. I'd venture to say that steady Republican voters may still be the majority around here. Everyone apparently hates Ted Cruz...but someone is still voting him into office.
  6. Uhh, Jimbo Fisher is getting paid $78M to not coach college football. How much are you getting paid to not coach football?
  7. Well, you can certainly make the argument that she was murdered by her online communities and a cult, who gleefully pushed her further down the rabbit hole with their lies, often for profit. Which TexEx alludes to having firsthand knowledge of her transformation. Anyway, I appreciated the story.
  8. I get that Reeves is famously wooden, but this is the dumbest thing that I've read on Surly in at least 30, maybe 35 minutes.
  9. By legal definition, which of the three were murdered, making the joke in much poorer taste? Not your finest both sides attempt.
  10. My flights these days alternate between traveling alone for work where I'm at the mercy of what the company covers and traveling recreationally with two kids under 4...no chance in hell I'm wasting first class tickets on those devils.
  11. Nobody wants to give him a 3rd MVP unless his case is so strong they have to. Eh, that was last year before he had a ring. I thought he had absolutely no chance at 3 in a row unless he did something truly incredible on a 1 seed. So he went out and averaged a triple-double (well, 0.2 assists away from it) on 63%(!!!) shooting on a 1 seed, and they still didn't give it to him. Now that he has a ring, there won't be any bullshit stigma around him having 3 MVPs. I imagine more than a few voters regret their rationale last season and may lean his way as a make-up. Though, he has reached LeBron territory of "Ho-hum, just another 26, 12, 9 season on super efficient shooting leading the Finals favorite in his conference. Boring" That attitude makes him susceptible to the Derrick Roses of the world sneaking in.
  12. I'd rather die than have to get up multiple times for the fat fuck next to me with the bladder the size of a walnut.
  13. That's pretty spot on. Paraphrasing: "The sports world voice of the dumbest, most deranged, malignant people on the internet." It's not about politics or vaccinations--there are other unvaccinated players in the league, and no one gives a shit anymore--it's about one of the league's most prominent, popular stars falling off the deep end and regurgitating every brain dead conspiracy he can find on the corners of the internet. As is his right, but it doesn't make him free from people laughing at him for his stupidity/gullibility, and it doesn't make him free from consequences when he crosses a line, as he did on this one. I'd have the exact same opinion if the roles were reversed and Kimmel made the same implication about him.
  14. This is how fucking stupid and indecent we've gotten as a society. Arguably the biggest name in the country's most popular sport just baselessly accused someone of being a sexual predator on national TV out of nowhere because he's already a full blown nutter. And our collective response is, "Yeah, but the other guy tells political jokes about other people, so same same."
  15. Any time Embiid wants to return Jokic's MVP trophy to him, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
  16. Well, you see, it's a widely-held societal norm that it isn't okay to publicly imply that someone is a pedophile just because they hurt your feelings a while back. And Sealtm6 seems to be against those norms. Glad I could clear that up for you.
  17. Funny. Had to look that up because I don't speak Facebook fluently. Should we check texags and see whose perspective on this suspiciously resembles your own?
  18. I don't give a rat's ass about Kimmel. But he's been on TV for, what, a billion years? How many times has he been successfully sued for defamation? He's a milquetoast late night talk show jockey. If he follows through with suing, how much do you want to bet Rogers tucks his tail and quietly settles? Sorry I don't waive away blatant pedophile defamation and conspiracy-peddling bullshit as easily as you because calling out someone for being a pseudo intellectual "do your own research" moron is "politics" to you.
  19. Okay, dude, whatever you say.
  20. Making fun of people for believing batshit conspiracies and recklessly pushing lies on the rest of us is considered political now.
  21. Johnny was a lazy douchebag who was entitled and coddled in college, did whatever the fuck he wanted, and lacked any professionalism whatsoever. The Browns deserve no sympathy or reprieve for drafting him when all teams were fully aware of the above. With all the resources and intel available to them, they fucked up. Both can be--and are--true. Also, can you be the biggest bust in draft history when you fall to the 22nd pick largely because teams fear that you'll be out of the league in short order due to the exact behavioral issues that came to fruition in Cleveland? Shouldn't a bust have some sense of surprise to their failings? Do Ryan Leaf and JaMarcus Russell not exist? Shit, he's not even the biggest Brown's bust; that would be Trent Richardson.
  22. Cleveland chose to ignore all the red flags, widely known practice/film room habits, and stories of his antics (that EVERY team had intel on leading up to the draft) all on their lonesome.
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