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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Yadda yadda yadda. Does his website still work and are catturd and Macklemore still users? Everything else is just noise detracting from the success story of our time.
  2. Dude. COVID was the worst. All the way into 2022, my dad's religious zealot of wife would start EVERY phone call that I'd make to my dad with some variation of "Have they let you out of your houses yet!?" or "How many people did you see wearing masks in their car??" Hardy har har har. They truly have no idea how California--or really any other state beyond a couple--operate. I'd love to see the correlation between negativity, hatred, and disregard for social etiquette with that person's lack of travel and number of places lived. But I'd bet they'd be able to list off all the cities and states that are hellholes in no time flat.
  3. Truly hateful people and conspiracy nuts used to get shamed, or at least were embarrased to express their views openly in polite society. At worst, the ones who weren't capable of shame were limited by their geographic footprint and generally isolated from the rest of us. Maybe they'd find a local clan or drive to Waco, but their reach and ability to pull others who were near the fringes down with them was minimal. Now, these same idiots have a completely unearned global platform to spew hate and have their views validated by others, further amplifying them, and sucking the gullible into worm holes that they're unlikely to ever recover from. Along with their ability to feel shame or recognize social cues. (Seriously, what the fuck happened to people being able to ascertain that someone avoiding eye contact and saying "uh-huh" means "I don't agree with you, but I don't want to talk about it. Kindly shut the fuck up.") It's not even a red/blue thing. I'm an Aggie from a military family who currently works with the Navy in San Diego and have off-roading, boating, shooting, and camping hobbies...almost all of my friends and family lean right. It's a open hate and negativity thing. We've all observed what 40 years of Rush, Fox, and now the even more extreme sources available to them everytime they touch their phone have done to some in the older generations. My wife's MIL never used to give a fuck about gay people (or at least knew enough to keep her views to herself); now, after a couple decades of insular churches and social media algorithms, if she sees a commerical with two women holding hands, prepare yourself for a 5 minute lecture on how disgusting it is for the people in Hollywood (you know the ones) to prop up and celebrate that kind of thing when there might be kids watching. I've observed dozens of these transformations (maybe they're the same people that they always were, and now they're just comfortable to say the quiet part out loud). You'd be an idiot NOT to at least limit you and your family's exposure to these people. Obviously, gullibility and internet and source vetting ineptitude isn't limited to the old. Not trying to single them out.
  4. Exactly this. If a police car has pulled up on him and shot him dead the second that he did anything other than put the gun immediately on the ground, the police would have claimed that it was justified. And I would 100% agree. Insanity that legal open carry is allowed on public property in 2023. Sure, let's let you immediately escalate the tension and uncertainty in every environment that you walk into because you're a sad, scared loser. I don't like to use the overused tiny dick joke on most gun nuts, but anyone who opens carries--or defends open carry--is a needle dick coward who need to be sterilized en masse. Pathetic.
  5. Literally the only thing more improbable than that scenario happening twice is Iowa having 21 points in a football game against a ranked opponent. They haven't since 2019.
  6. I mean, I understand the gut reaction of the "stay in your lane" crowd whenever somewhere famous speaks about real-world issues. I think it's incredibly lazy and hypocritical in 2023 when dumb mother fuckers are coming out of the woodwork to use every platform that they can get their hands on to spew bullshit. But I at least understand the simple-mindedness behind "entertainers are only paid to entertain." But saying, "I disagree with literally everything Taylor Swift stands for" is like saying you disagree with the guy who has World Peace and End Hunger bumper stickers. You may think that they're naive and foolishly idealistic (another default response when anyone younger than dirt gives a political opinion), but what kind of asshole disagrees with the message?
  7. This. Politicians are generally old and unattractive, and this quasi-fame/power that they've achieved by getting elected is the first time in their lives that decent quality tail has been available to them.
  8. None of my family is from Texas, and, as I'm sure you'll be stunned to know, ain't no one gives a shit about Texas A&M the second you cross the state line. The one or two with a moderate interest in college football mustered up the energy for some variation of, "I would take half as much as Jimbo to not coach Texas A&M" which will never not be funny.
  9. Jokes aside, I can almost guarantee the one of our yokel donors made a half-assed attempt to reach out to Trump's camp and gauge if any interest existed in trying his hand at coaching.
  10. I avoid talking politics with literally anyone in person like it's my full-time job because I prefer not banging my head against a fence post. My family is pretty good about it too, but our yearly Thanksgiving ritual is still good for a couple of overheard gems. The holiday classic, "Well, if 'they' just didn't resist..." is a staple. But this year I heard a brand new one. "I like Taylor Swift's music, but I'm against literally everything she stands for." Like, what does that even mean? I get that her dipping her toes into politics has painted a target on her back, but I have no fucking clue what "policies" she actually represents other than "inclusion and love are good."
  11. Anyone know if Canada has WiFi yet? Asking for bizzle.
  12. Everything. The answer is everything.
  13. Tell me you're white without telling me you're white.
  14. Only if you're immediately going to the ground in the process of attempting the catch. If the goal line didn't get in the way, that would have been a catch and fumble. But it did. Easy call.
  15. Thanks, asshole. I almost made through an entire Thanksgiving holiday without hearing, "'They' should just stop resisting."
  16. Look at me finding new ways to justify the current state of the GOP!!
  17. But the walls are closing in on everyone that you don't like!
  18. The Celtics can clinch East Group C with a win tonight. Very exciting stuff.
  19. I've been comparing Pop to Belichick for over a decade. Fitting that their career trajectories are now perfectly aligned. Can't fire them...but maybe you should?
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