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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Are we really doing this? It's absolutely unforgivable that a 98 year old veteran with the last name Hunka wasn't properly vetted beforehand. People should be fired, and they deserve the current egg on their face. ...but do you honestly believe that anyone giving him a standing ovation had any inclination that he was an SS Nazi? Really? I swear, the right purposely takes the dumbest, most illogical positions possible and makes a game out of trying to make the narrative stick.
  2. One dude stupidly invites a former Nazi--unbeknownst to literally everyone else in the room at the time--followed by days of profound Canadian-style apologies. One party keeps appearing over and over at events--and taking phone calls from--known, active white supremacists and act totally indignant about it when challenged. Same same, we know. Continue.
  3. "But why isn't the cloak room more receptive to opposing viewpoints!?!?!"
  4. What in the actual fuck are you on about? Keep watching Libs of TikTok and pretending that you're not a sad, gigantic piece of shit. You know, like a sane person. Good lord, dude.
  5. Shut the fuck up. When someone tags you out of nowhere to insult you, tell them to eat a dick and move on. Enough with this lazy ass, let me say the stupidest, most outrageous thing possible trolling.
  6. Oh fuck right the fuck off you fucking troll. "Hurr, durr, let's see how many I can reel in with this one."
  7. Yeah, hard to have a ton of sympathy on that one. Sorry you got conned by Bill Paxton in True Lies. Maybe turn your brain on.
  8. Dude, what fucking planet are you living on? Watch two seconds of the GOP Presidential debate. Any one of those mongoloids would get absolutely boat-raced by any incumbent President, most assuredly including Biden. MAGA ain't turning out for [I honestly have no fucking idea who is currently in 2nd], and the GOP can't win shit nationally without that demographic now that they've decided to go off the deep end to chase the extremist vote. Unfortunately, the inverse might be true: Biden is the only candidate currently in the Democrat stable that can beat Trump. Edit: At least at this stage, with only a year to campaign. How some of y'all's brains work is truly fascinating.
  9. They don't exactly make it very subtle. Their posts are always the same: "I'm not a Trump fan [potentially throw in claim about only voting for him once or, gasp, not at all!], but here are all the ways in which I blindly support him, and any criticism or legal punishment levied his way is clearly just partisan political hack jobs." Otherwise known as the Incredulity.
  10. To be fair, his "that was it for him" moment was the first time that he opened his mouth on a national stage, and Joe Public realized that that's the voice/human-like thing behind the mythical Twitter creation of the bold Florida governor single-handedly fighting socialism and the woke agenda.
  11. You're doing it wrong. The true path to happiness is having never been to the mountaintop, knowing deep down that you'll never get to the mountaintop, but deluding yourself into thinking that you deserve to be on the mountaintop.
  12. I mean, his playoff career beyond the 1st round kinda says otherwise. But, obviously, he'll have a giant presence alongside him now, taking away some of the attention.
  13. Fucking hell! Every single time these unlucky Republican gentlemen get within 50 miles of a big city, they're absolutely accosted by distraught mugging victims and homeless junkies mainlining heroin while shitting on the sidewalks. Why are we not doing more to prevent this, people???
  14. Sorry, man, I don't speak Fox News fluently. I have to rely on Google. This one? That you've somehow made the leap to not enforcing existing laws, or even filing charges, for that matter?
  15. Sooooo they caught the person responsible, gave them a firm talking to, and then let them go at the behest of the city government, no charges filed? That's what you're going with? Or are you saying that police are notoriously slow to respond to certain neighborhoods, and it's obviously impossible to charge people that you don't catch? Because we may be in agreement there, you flaming liberal. Fucking moron.
  16. Wait. You're of the opinion that they don't pursue legal actions if the perpetrators for said crimes are able to be apprehended? Just when I think you can't get any stupider...
  17. Please show me data that supports repeatedly incarcerating homeless people as an effective deterrent.
  18. The Wall Street Journal editorial board can fuck right off criticizing anyone else for normalizing Trump.
  19. Dude, there's a year to go. There's not a single serious Democrat with any power whatsoever that wants Biden out at this stage, with a totally new candidate ordained out of the blue.
  20. Not what I'm saying at all. 90% of the cities worth a shit in this country at least skew towards Democrat rule. Every city has rough areas, some more so than others. Crime is bad. Homelessness is a tragedy. We shouldn't want our leaders to have apathy towards it. Do you actually think that they do? Do Republicans have any suggested solutions for the above, or nah? The constant hand-wringing about "Democratic-run cities [that you haven't been to] that are dissolving into crime-ridden hell holes!" is such obvious, manufactured bullshit from the usual right wing think tanks that of course it's your pet project. I could show you hundreds of statistics proving that it's generally safer to live in a city than the country, and you wouldn't give a shit. Because it's all about the narrative.
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