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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Was Jon Voight always batshit crazy, or did the combination of old age, diminishing relevance, and Obama break him like it broke most of our parents?
  2. A water park inside a massive German WWII hangar? Fine, I'll do it: I did Nazi that coming.
  3. You'd have to be incredibly, stupefyingly dumb to listen a Bill Burr stand-up and not realize he has a black wife. Okay, MAGA has absolutely no idea he has a black wife.
  4. You're being ridiculous. Of course he thought that he already finished the play. That's why he dropped the ball. Do you look down at your feet when you run? This isn't a DeSean Jackson situation who has done this multiple times and made a career out of showboating while the ball is still live. I'm sure he'll have a long week of ridicule in the film room and coaches driving it into him that he'd better be out of the back of the endzone and halfway to the locker room before he ever drops a football again.
  5. Who the fuck are the conservative Republicans? Honestly asking. Which group are we referring to here?
  6. Stupid, yes. Incredibly. But you're going to have to explain how a defensive dude seeing all purple around him and thinking that he was already in the endzone is selfish.
  7. Are you under the impression that he did that on purpose? Stupid, careless moment, but jesus dude.
  8. Watching Memphis suck has been incredibly satisfying. Couldn't happen to a bigger bunch of blowhards. I only wish that Dillon Brooks was still there to experience it. I wonder how quickly they realized in training camp that Tyrus Jones is better then Marcus Smart. Looking on the bright side though, I guess the "are they better without Ja" arguments are on a temporary hiatus.
  9. Confuses, doesn't realize there's a difference, same same.
  10. You're aware that Marvel is make believe, yeah? WWII involves real people, so there are millions upon millions of unique stories. Most of which are pretty compelling because, again, the events actually happened. I'd wager to that your, and most American's (honestly, probably including myself), grasp of the timeline of events, battle map, and global reach only scratches the surface: Pearl Harbor, Nazis, Normandy, Holocaust, there were some Russians doing something, nukes, etc. Most don't know this story with any real depth.
  11. While nice to fantasize about...Trump is going to win Ohio. A decent chunk of that 64% would like to pull the lever for someone other than Donald Trump, but they'll do what they always do and pull the lever for anyone with an (R) next to their name. Then they'll lie about it when asked or make some half-hearted justification about socialism or keeping more of their paycheck.
  12. The Lakers had the largest free throw attempts to opponent FTA disparity in the NBA last season. They're right up there again so far this season. But do tell us any how the officiating is against you, LeBron.
  13. Is that the conclusion that we're supposed to draw? Because I got nothin'.
  14. I've always wondered about the behind the scenes patience that Cameron must have had to get the scenes in which Arnold's English is all easily understandable.
  15. No shame whatsoever in getting "schooled" by Alonso. You know Fred was sitting there muttering, "Too soon, Junior" when Checo passed him.
  16. "Biological son" is one of the few things not on my pornhub search history.
  17. Ya know, at least Hitler could spin a good yarn. I can understand how gullible, unremarkable, forgotten people can be talked into just about anything by a great orator. I'll never for the life of me understand how anyone can hear Donald Trump talk and say, "I believe the things that he is saying. He is a good, trustworthy person who I should support." Roseanne probably hasn't seen too many well-written scripts in her day, but she had to have at least seen a couple. Following Donald Trump is the same as reading the script for Sharknado and pre-building a shelf for your inevitable Oscar.
  18. Because death shouldn't exonerate you from being a terrible human being? Also, this is a message board, not his eulogy.
  19. Shit, that could have applied to the entire OKC team down the stretch. I'm not usually a "I miss the good ol' days of hand-checking and post play" kind of guy, but it does say something about the modern NBA that a crunch time lineup of CP3, Steph, GPII (all 6'3" or under), Klay, and Draymond can hold their own defensively and on the glass. On a related note, Andrew Wiggins is only getting 26 minutes a game, looks lackadaisical, and can't hit the broadside of a barn from outside. Can't imagine getting benched to closeout games is going to help his confidence.
  20. Seriously. Hard to think of anything that blatantly transparent. When you've reached the, "See! I'm not a racist!" portion of your campaign...
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